For which champion in your roster would you use this line...?

This is a thread for the champions in our roster that we were too fast to judge negatively or didn't put the time to learn their rotation etc. Come on, we all have those.
I will start first: Quicksilver. Ok, he has unique animations / combo, yes, he takes some time to build up, he is not entirely buff-immune (which does bother me) but damn, that boy can put in work. And ultimately, yes, he is fun to use. Your turn.
Mole Man.
He was my top choice for my first rank 3 before his nerf cough cough nudge nudge wink wink bug fix, but I used the RDT I got after he was changed to take him down to rank 1. Over a year later and he is once again a top contender for rank 3.
Ghost (6R3): I get annoyed with her playstyle. But certain fights, I'm glad I have her.
Doom(5R5): I get the Doom slap and his basic rotation. I just never liked using him. I have a 6 star sitting at R1. Probably will stay there.