Awesome stream! (Thank you guys)

Thanks again Jax and squad for putting us up to speed on what’s ahead in the game. Even tho I didn’t win anything I want to congratulate those folks that got the free champs. Awesome prices!!!
One last quick question. With the commissary store …. Are there more deals added until the end of the event. I know $$$ deals are the same and there won’t be more but are I guys adding any more to the commissary store between here and the end of the event ??
Thanks in advance guys. Blessings…
One last quick question. With the commissary store …. Are there more deals added until the end of the event. I know $$$ deals are the same and there won’t be more but are I guys adding any more to the commissary store between here and the end of the event ??
Thanks in advance guys. Blessings…