Battlegrounds Unfair

CooChipooCooChipoo Member Posts: 12
Every match I play in battlegrounds, I'm forced to pick defense first. I'm not sure what the deal is with this. Kabam can check this in the data history for my account, I know they can. Even if I'm playing friendlies I'm still forced to pick first. I would like some closure on why this is happening to me, or if its happening to anyone else... I hate picking first.


  • CooChipooCooChipoo Member Posts: 12
    ahmynuts said:
    I have a 50/50 chance of picking first. There's no way I keep getting stuck on picking first, over and over and over again. Something is up.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian
    CooChipoo said:

    ahmynuts said:
    I have a 50/50 chance of picking first. There's no way I keep getting stuck on picking first, over and over and over again. Something is up.
    There was a time I was noticing this as well, but then it went away and I do not know why. Other people have reported very long strings of picking first (or second) while others do not notice this at all. I do not know if this is an oddity with the way the BG mode works, but it is an observation that I believe has been reported to the developers. I do not know what the status of this observation is at the moment though.

    This one *might* not just be bad luck. But at the moment I cannot say.
  • flapjaxflapjax Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    I have like a good 90% placing first rate.

    The other night I played 15 games and 1 I didn't have to place first.

    Yesterday I played 4 just to get my objectives done and all 4 I placed first.

    I realize none of these are large enough sample sizes to mean anything but from going from Plat 1 to Vib 2 (and a fair amount of win-loss trading to get there) I've placed second maybe 3 or 4 times total.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,101 ★★★★★
    It’s weird, mine is one match I pick first and the other I dont
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    I remember i played atleast 30, maybe more BGs in a row. Every time in a row i had went first. After a couple more games the 50/50 was more consistent but man it sucked. Seems like maybe here is a timing factor where you get stuck first or second for multiple games, maybe it could be a bug idk. Definitely sucks is all I know
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Do you know why casinos have a big display next to the roulette wheel showing last dozen numbers or so to hit? It's because people see a red number hit 8 times in a row and theu put their money on black saying "Black has to hit. It's not possible for red to hit again this many times in a row."

    Just because it's 50/50 doesn't mean that it's impossible for you to pick first 100 matches in a row. Past results don't predict future actions. I can flip a coin and have it come up tails every single flip.

    @CooChipoo you're just experiencing bad RNG (or luck as some may call it). Nothing malicious. Nothing outside the realm of possibility.
  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 511 ★★★
    I have had huge streaks both ways. It is horrible when it is you always going first but glorious when the streak goes the other way and you get to pick second.
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