Battlegrounds Unfair

Every match I play in battlegrounds, I'm forced to pick defense first. I'm not sure what the deal is with this. Kabam can check this in the data history for my account, I know they can. Even if I'm playing friendlies I'm still forced to pick first. I would like some closure on why this is happening to me, or if its happening to anyone else... I hate picking first.
This one *might* not just be bad luck. But at the moment I cannot say.
The other night I played 15 games and 1 I didn't have to place first.
Yesterday I played 4 just to get my objectives done and all 4 I placed first.
I realize none of these are large enough sample sizes to mean anything but from going from Plat 1 to Vib 2 (and a fair amount of win-loss trading to get there) I've placed second maybe 3 or 4 times total.
Just because it's 50/50 doesn't mean that it's impossible for you to pick first 100 matches in a row. Past results don't predict future actions. I can flip a coin and have it come up tails every single flip.
@CooChipoo you're just experiencing bad RNG (or luck as some may call it). Nothing malicious. Nothing outside the realm of possibility.