Carina's 7 for 7.1 by an *average? Paragon

willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,732 ★★★★★
After completing 7.1, I realized that it is very champ/roster dependent on who you have so I don't know if I'll write up the other ones. Let me know if you do want me to, even though you may not have the champs and there aren't always the best substitutes.

Masteries are MD 5/5 [though not really used] and DW 5/5 [though also not really used except Gorr/Domino], but have suicides unlocked

7.1.1 Flare Path/Yondu Boss
Team: r2 Bishop, Guilly99, Wiccan, Gorr [no 5th spot because of colorblind and I only have 4 different champ types]. No boosts
Paths – used class advantage against each opponent so flare dealt less damage. Health was never an issue because the champs hits so hard.
Boss – started with Bishop, took him down to 84% without trying, then used Gorr. Not a Gorr expert at all [only 3rd time using him], but it went well without even max despair. Built up ‘charges’, then did combos ending in medium. I got hit once, which gave me a regen that built up my health. Try to get Yondu to throw his sp1. It’s easy to dex and then you can knock him down.
Potions/Revives – 0/0

7.1.2 Static Blast/Rhino
Team: r2 Bishop, Guilly99, Gorr, Domino, Hulkbuster, realized I had a ton of boosts so 15% attack, 10% health and 10% green [this is boosted now unless otherwise stated]
Paths – They all have easy specials for me to dex except Guardian. Used Gorr, but mis-timed a sp2 and died. Bishop was used for Wags. Some fights were long, but not terribly hard
Boss – I’m sure that there is a better way, but I didn’t do it. Used heavy attacks to build Specials faster and so he’d have less charges when knocked down to deal damage back to me. I’d try to stay as close as possible to him so he couldn’t go unblockable. Hulkbuster with shocks on him was MVP.
Potions/Revives – 0/0

7.1.3 Special Connoisseur
Team: r2 Bishop, Sauron, Domino Hulkbuster, Guilly99, boosted
Paths: Bishop and Sauron were great since they both gain prowess. I don’t know how to play Sauron, but e did the job. It just took awhile when I had to use him. She-hulk clipped me on a special and KO’d Bishop so then Sauron took over for some of the fights.
Boss – Just tried not to dex, and dex on his sp1 before he gets close so the dex buff doesn’t trigger. Bishop took off a chunk, then HB, then finished him off. HB was amazing. I didn’t want to use him at first because his armor up buffs would regenerate, but he did amazing damage. I ‘learned’ the sp2 special block lock and heavy attack in the corner while playing him.
Potions/Revives – 0/0

7.1.4 Brute Force/Hela boosted
Team: Domino, Wiccan, Guilly99, Gorr [Had to restart after Hulk fight because I forgot about colorblind and had Bishop on team as well at first]
Paths: All pretty straight-forward, just play aggressive. Ended Storm X with Guilly99 sp3, and then used Guilly on Hela. Domino tore up Nick. I was little worried about brute force with him being stun immune, but it didn’t matter.
Boss – Used ramped up guilly. Did 4 heavy attacks to build up combo shield [guilly is also duped, which is nice]. I don’t know if the Lazarus charges were working or not. I didn’t keep track of them, but Hela went done much faster than I thought she would. Nothing special, but a r1 Guilly ramped up does some damage.
Potions/Revives – 0/0

7.1.5 Terminal Velocity
Team: Wiccan, Guilly99, Bishop, Domino, Gorr, boosted
Paths – This was the first path where I actually had to decide. It was my favorite path, but the path I wanted I couldn’t do because of the boss. Wiccan took Heimdell, Bishop took Mags easily, Guilly99 [who is great since she doesn’t crit for this path, but it had two magnetos and a Cosmic so I didn’t use her as much as I’d like] took Tigra [end sp3], Gorr did surprising well against War Machine. I thought the might dash would make it a long fight, but you just build up those charges, corner him in the wall, and then fire your sp2 to get your fury. Bishop took Wags, and then he died on Maw. Luke Cage/Electro was actually not as bad as I envisioned, but dumb mistakes took all my champs. Guilly was doing wonderful, but I forgot that you can falter in the middle of a special attack so he combo’d me to death. Domino was doing great [parry heavy], but I forgot that she has a 6 hit mlllm and miscounted so I faltered and combo’d to death. Wiccann also does great [still don’t really know how to use him but he regens on his sp1 against electro] and same – forgot about falter. Gorr died and wasn’t that great. So, three great champions down, but my plan was always Bishop due to his high energy resistance. Revived him and it was easy-peasy.
Potions/Revives – 0/ 1 40%

7.1.6 Biohazard
Team: Hulkbuster, Wiccan, Gorr, Bishop, Domino, boosted
Path - I knew going in I’d have to revive at Purgatory due to bleed damage [I did]. The bleed damage slowly drained my two champions life as the path went on. Bishop took half the fights, Domino took the other half. Domino for Torch of course. Died on Purgatory so revived and used 4 lvl 4 potions to finish her.
Boss: Hyperion moves. I don’t think she could throw sp3, but I didn’t read the nodes. Plan was to go in with Wiccan first and apply shock, but doesn’t take much energy damage. Forgot about that energy resistance node. Gorr next and did well. Just make sure you have a shock on her before timestream starts. But when your cat jumps on you, there’s no saving the fight. KO. Bishop still dead, Domino took out 20% chunk before having to quit out fight due to selective timestream. HB for the win. Sp2 into block, and when close to selective timestream, sp1 and then heavy. She never threw a sp3 even when it was filled twice and did sp2 instead [again, I didn’t study the nodes].
Potions/Revives – 4 lvl4 / 1 40%

7.1 MVP – Gorr, Hulkbuster [I still don’t know how to optimally play Wiccan -never even read his abilities, Gorr, or HB]


  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Add on, Venom Works for yondu. The bleeds reflected just heal you
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,732 ★★★★★

    Add on, Venom Works for yondu. The bleeds reflected just heal you

    Yep, but since I didn't have him . . . Besides Guardian, he's the one 7* that I'd love to get.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    i agree . To those who got angela , she can cheese in gimme path as well as being good in cosmic path 7.1.6 . My titania also cheated on whole spite path
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