Attuma AA Clarification

Bit of a long post so apologies in advance.
I have him at R4 ascended and it shouldn’t matter too much but I’m curious. How does his AA scale with multiple stacks.
His thorns has a 25% chance to trigger and each personal concussion on him gives him an increase of 50% AA. At sig 200 he gets 2 concussions.
My assumption is that the increase is based off the listed chance. 50% of 25 is 12.5, so thorns has a 37.5% to trigger.
But with the 2nd concussion, does that impact the new chance; giving 50% increase to the 37.5 to 56.25% [total becomes ((25% x 1.5) x 1.5)].
Or is it a 100% increase to the original 25% giving a 50% chance to trigger? [total becomes (25% x 2)]
I have him at R4 ascended and it shouldn’t matter too much but I’m curious. How does his AA scale with multiple stacks.
His thorns has a 25% chance to trigger and each personal concussion on him gives him an increase of 50% AA. At sig 200 he gets 2 concussions.
My assumption is that the increase is based off the listed chance. 50% of 25 is 12.5, so thorns has a 37.5% to trigger.
But with the 2nd concussion, does that impact the new chance; giving 50% increase to the 37.5 to 56.25% [total becomes ((25% x 1.5) x 1.5)].
Or is it a 100% increase to the original 25% giving a 50% chance to trigger? [total becomes (25% x 2)]
The exception is anything that gives a ‘flat’ bonus to AA, which is added to the listed trigger chance. So an ability that’s normally 25%, with a flat 10% increase, would be at 35%, not 25 x 1.1% =27.5%.
*Longshot has a base 300% AA, which for practical purposes means AA modifiers, positive or negative, are about a third as effective on him