It's been a while since I've played TB EQ but I noticed that they added a new quest for paragon called the paragon gauntlet what is it about I wonder 🤔
It's all 6 bosses from EQ with the same nodes but boosted stats. There are two(maybe one) champion switch nodes. You get three champions instead of the regular five. One path and you get extra rewards. (26% t6cc and other stuff that I forgot).
It's all 6 bosses from EQ with the same nodes but boosted stats. There are two(maybe one) champion switch nodes. You get three champions instead of the regular five. One path and you get extra rewards. (26% t6cc and other stuff that I forgot).
1 6* nexus
25% t6cc fragments
1 t6 basic
1 t3 alpha
3000x 7* shards
1,500x 6* relic shard
1,400x celestial alloy fragment (relic stuff)
2 million gold
A title