Should I get 6* or 7* Morbius from the store on October 12?

I have the resources to instantly take him to r3 as a six star, enough tier 2 dust to ascend him, as well as awaken him and get his sig to 40 or so. However, I may choose the 7* to help me pass the gates in Shooting Stars.
Should I get 6* or 7* Morbius from the store on October 12? 80 votes
But honestly, I would play the long game and go for the 7*.
While he can take bleed vulnerable champs unawakened he is quite limited, as KT1 outlines in his video.
Figured the 7* version will be in the titan crystal, and later on in the basic, so I can pick the 7* up down the track. Would be ages before the 7* champ would have been useful to me. It can take years to dupe and high sig, some champs, as we experienced with the early 6* days. I still don’t have a make sig 6* void or capIW as examples.
People say get the 7* now for the future. Can understand the point.
However, you can pick up the 6* and awaken/sig for now (and for the next several months with ascension potentially) and then pick up the 7* later.
It’s worth considering the 6* if you want the champ at their true potential, despite the prevailing view here and on YT.