Champion Info Screen Crashes

While on the AW placement screen, using the main menu to navigate, then view a champion's info will cause a screen crash. Not a game crash just a screen.
Steps to reproduce crash.
1. Press fight tab on main screen.
2. Select Alliance War banner.
3. On War Room tab click Place Heroes button
4. Press the active continue button
5. On top right of device screen click burger menu drop down
6. Press Champions tab
7. Tap/select any champion
8. Press Champion Info button
9. Wait a second, Champion Info Screen will crash
The crash returns me to the Champion selection screen.
I am an officer in my alliance. I am not sure if officer placement permissions are at play here.
Steps to reproduce crash.
1. Press fight tab on main screen.
2. Select Alliance War banner.
3. On War Room tab click Place Heroes button
4. Press the active continue button
5. On top right of device screen click burger menu drop down
6. Press Champions tab
7. Tap/select any champion
8. Press Champion Info button
9. Wait a second, Champion Info Screen will crash
The crash returns me to the Champion selection screen.
I am an officer in my alliance. I am not sure if officer placement permissions are at play here.