Act 8 Chapter 3: Illumination - Coming October 18 2023

Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
edited October 2023 in General Discussion

Welcome to Chapter 3 of Marvel Contest of Champions’ Act 8!

In this Chapter we have decided to make some changes to the standard formula, and take a brief detour from the expected Weapon Node escalation started in Chapters 1 and 2. Don't worry though! Weapon Nodes are a big part of Act 8, and they aren't going anywhere. Rather than layer another interaction on top of the Weapon/Disarm/Unarmed/Capture system we currently have, we've instead added a different mechanic for Summoners to play into - Strikers! So dust off those Relics, choose your Champions, and see if you can overcome the challenges of ACT 8 CHAPTER 3 - ILLUMINATION!


In order to apply more focus on quality over quantity inside of Story Quest, we've decided to reduce the scope of this and future Chapters from the standard 6 Paths per Quest to 3 Paths per Quest. This not only reduces the overhead on work required for the content, but allows us to ensure that every path that does make it into an SQ Quest is the best it can be. Aside from that reduction, everything inside of Chapter 3 is the same standard as the Acts and Chapters that came before it…

1 Act composed of 4 Chapters
Each Chapter consists of 6 Quests
Chapter 3's Quests are composed of…
  • 3 Paths with 6 Encounter per Path
  • 3 Final Bosses (Not Path Dependent)
  • 1-3 Choice Nodes (found just before fighting the Final Bosses)
Choice Nodes located just before the Final Bosses give players a chance to swap out a non-KO’d 5 or 6-Star Champion for another in their roster.

The freshly swapped in Champion will enter the Quest at full health and ready to rumble. Summoners will find these Choice Nodes after the final Path Fight, but just before the Final Bosses, giving players a chance to swap in a Champion better suited for the challenges those Bosses present.


Each quest consists of 3 paths, with an average of 23 nodes per path. Each path also contains 6 fights, plus the Final Boss fight.



Before we start talking about the new Nodes in Act 8, it’s important to mention the Global Nodes in every Quest intended to empower your Champions and Strikers. While these may seem like a lot of effects to consider, many of these occur in the background and shouldn't be causes for concern.

Adrenaline Rush
The Attacker gains up to 100% Damage Reduction at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Hold the Line
The Attacker gains up to +80% Block Proficiency at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Pulling Rank - 6-Stars
6-Star Attackers gain a permanent Attack Bonus based on their Rank ranging from +100 to +2000.
Pulling Rank - 7-Stars
7-Star Attackers gain a permanent Attack Bonus based on their Rank ranging from +800 to +2800.
Free Spirited - 4
The Attacker's Spirit Gain Rate is increased 200%.


As mentioned earlier, Chapter 3 is taking a brief break from building up the Act 8 Weapon Node system to focus on a new avenue of mechanics and interaction for players - STRIKERS! These phantasms can be summoned into fights to throw a combo on behalf of the player, applying advantageous new abilities whenever they successfully strike the opponent. However, players can only benefit from Strikers if they've equipped a RELIC to their Champion, and even then they'll need to build up their Spirit Gauge over the course of the fight before the Striker can be summoned.

Those of us working on Story Quest have been enthralled by the interesting challenges and opportunities Strikers present for players. Inspired by Strikers, we're rolling out an entire set of Quest Nodes intended to not only reward the player for using the right Striker and Relic inside a specific fight, but we've applied a Global Node that speeds up the rate at which players can activate their Strikers! We've been having a blast trying out these new Striker Nodes, and we hope you'll also enjoy the experience of pummeling your opponents with a well timed Striker.


Weapon Nodes and their added effects, such as Disarm, Unarmed, and Capture, are a staple of Act 8 and core to its narrative of antagonists repurposing the powers of heroes and villains for their own nefarious needs. These highly interactive Quest Nodes carry on into Chapter 3, and have now been combined into complete experiences where the player can choose between Disarming and punishing an opponent with Unarmed bonuses, or Capturing the Weapon Node for themselves to use against the Defender. How will you choose to destroy your enemy?


Yes! There's one last thing worth mentioning: the addition of a brand new set of CLASS BENEFIT NODES! That's right, the Act 7 classic is back for Act 8 Chapter 3. We've concocted another set of Nodes explicitly designed to change up and challenge your roster by rewarding some unconventional Class mechanics found across MCOC. You'll always have the option to play around or ignore these new Nodes, but trust us, you'll want to see what kind of rewards they have in store for bringing the right Champion for the job.

Lastly, there are of course a parade of other new nodes mixed in with existing favorites, but we'll leave you to find them in-game.


Act 8 Chapter 3 will see the Summoner continue their quest to unravel the insidious machinations of the evil organization known as Ouroboros. Carina, Guillotine, Aegon, Civil Warrior and the Summoner will journey to make an alliance with an old frenemy. This unlikely team will work to expose the hideout of Ouroboros's mysterious leader, and hopefully shed some light on their shadowy plans. However, learning the truth about their foes will come at a high price, when The Summoner and company square off against Ouroboros's Master Armorer - IRON MAN CERASTES! Corrupted by Ouroboros and its mysterious Celestial technology, Tony Stark has been driven mad with the desire to become the perfect amalgamation of man and machine. Will you be able to outpace this evil Iron Man in the ultimate arms race? Or will you be reduced to cannon fodder in the war for the Battlerealm? Face this brand new MCOC villain and find out!


Act 8 Chapter 3 features Path Rewards, Completion Rewards, and Exploration Rewards. Check them out below!

Chapter 3 Completion Rewards
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem Crystal 3 to 4
2x 6-Star Rank Up Gems 2 to 3
1x 6-Star Awakening Gem
40x 6-Star Sigup Stones
2x 6-Star Nexus Hero Crystals
1x 5 Star Relic Crystal
5 000x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shards
8x 25% T6 Class Catalyst Crystals
1 500 000x Gold

Chapter 3 Exploration Rewards
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem Crystal 4 to 5
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 3 to 4
1x 7-Star Rank Up Gem 1 to 2 Generic
1x 7-Star Hero Crystal
100x Tier 2 Primordial Dust
1x Nexus 5 Star Relic
2 500x 7 Star Titan Shards
3 000 000x Gold

Quest Completion and Exploration Rewards
20x Tier 5 Class Iso (different for each Quest)
15x Tier 6 Class Iso (different for each Quest)

Path Rewards
These rewards can only be picked up on paths inside a given Quest once.

600 000x Gold
2500x 5-Star Relic Crystal Shards
10 000x 6-Star Hero Crystal Shards
5x 5% Tier 6 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals
750x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shards
90x Units


We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who came out for our Act 8 Chapter 3 Beta. Community feedback and support helps us stay the course on keeping Story Quests an exciting, engaging, and exemplary experience for all of our players. Act 8 Chapter 4 is well under way, and we’re looking forward to hearing from everyone on how you find the finale of this exciting new Act of Story Quest content.

As always, thank you all for your patience, your passion, and your participation.
Good luck Summoners!

EDIT: Corrected the number of 5-Star Relic Crystal Shards from 10 000 to 2500
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    This looks awesome, I’m really looking forward to doing it
  • TheromeTherome Member Posts: 44
    Basura de premios y es el acto 8 jaja
  • SeenkSeenk Member Posts: 216 ★★
    Very GOOOOOD!
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    edited October 2023
    How tf there are no t6b and t3a in there ? Why do we not have t6cc selectors ? Those 25% t6cc crystal should have been selectors . Are these rewards real or there is something that got missed to be added ? Because these rewards seems like they would have been good for 8.2 and doesn't feel like we are in 8.3 @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Oh man I enjoy the story so much can't wait for Knull and the fake god butchers (It's a band of 2... which consists of Knull and Gorr) to gang up on Carastes...I hope at long last Ouroborus's real motives will be revealed beacuse as of now they seem to be heroic in their own way, but The Chronoserpant lives on worlds energy (Galactus eats worlds for energy, The chronoserpsnt dosent eat them, rather drains them of energy, like a virus and a human cell I guess) and obviously this sinister figure don't care about Librating anyone... we have got so little info on them even till now. Its time FINALLY their true motives along will be revealed and that The chronoserpant will finally show himself... and we need to know how the corruption works... also, we need to know whether or not Zemo and his corrupting homemade Iso-8 sphere has anything to do with Ouroborus...
  • Sab_jbSab_jb Member Posts: 6
    All good rewards will came next 2 months for kabam’s walley,they dont care about f2p players,nothing but business ,cyber weekend + new year all rewards will be there of course ,why are we f2p players waiting for good rewards from act almost 6 month for 1 chapter idk ,seems i will quit from this game after playing 7,5 years ,im really tired and dont take enjoy from this game nowadays
  • Pin_the_AvengerPGT17Pin_the_AvengerPGT17 Member Posts: 333 ★★
    rewards are great... but I do want to emphasize the lack of t6b & t3a from all the rewards. relics are great, but I think this is a lackluster move since the relics response has been more mixed than a bag of trail mix or even chex mix. Yea, not gonna lie, I was looking forward to ranking up another easy 2 rank 4 champs or even finally use my 4 t6cc mutant cats on either Gambit or Sauron since I can't pull a 7* Bishop.
  • Go_ToGo_To Member Posts: 317 ★★★

    Sab_jb said:

    All good rewards will came next 2 months for kabam’s walley,they dont care about f2p players,nothing but business ,cyber weekend + new year all rewards will be there of course ,why are we f2p players waiting for good rewards from act almost 6 month for 1 chapter idk ,seems i will quit from this game after playing 7,5 years ,im really tired and dont take enjoy from this game nowadays

    Cry harder
    No he shouldn’t. These path rewards sort of suck. And not adding any t6b and t3a is so stupid. That and the fact that they are forcing relics down our throats is so frustrating.
    They won’t take the time to make new relics, yet they want us to be excited in them.
  • _MARAZM__MARAZM_ Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2023
    Значит ли это, что за 8,3 не дадут титул Legend?
  • RockyshockyRockyshocky Member Posts: 108 ★★
    I don't understand all this anger about T6B and T3A. There's loads of rankup gems in the rewards, the equivalent of 19 OF EACH catalyst. Would you still be complaining if they gave out 19 T6B and 19 T3A and SEVEN full T6CCs? Even still thats less value than the gems, since the gems also include the lesser catalysts and wont go into overflow. Someone please help me understand the anger here.
  • BeroManBeroMan Member Posts: 286 ★★★★
    Are they really giving 6 6* relic as a reward or is it a mistake? 6* relic was quite a rare thing before. Maybe saving grace for underwhelming completion rewards.
  • RockyshockyRockyshocky Member Posts: 108 ★★
    BeroMan said:

    Are they really giving 6 6* relic as a reward or is it a mistake? 6* relic was quite a rare thing before. Maybe saving grace for underwhelming completion rewards.

    Those are hero crystal shards, not relic crystal shards.
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