New progression level after Paragon needed

I feel that we are at a point in the timeline of the game where we need a Progression Level after Paragon. Since a lot of players have been Paragon for a while now, it makes sense for Kabam to release a higher tier for Summoners. To reward higher paragon players for hard work in story mode and in roster building. I believe that a lot of players will have 3 Rank 4 6* champions, and with the release of 7*s some months ago, it seems ready for a new goal and rewards bump for top players. I would like to know if this is in the works and if there is an expected timeline for this, or if it hasn't been brought up yet. Paragon rewards are starting to seem stale at times during monthly events. (Also cav crystal shards calender is a joke now for higher players).
This is if Kabam is trying to keep a two-three year cadence of a new title/progression
Roster requirements for progression are not just some random idea someone thought would be neato. They solve a very critical progression problem, namely that it is all but impossible to simultaneously tune progression content to be a significant progression barrier for the strongest players but also an achievable one for the below average players. The difficulty reductions of Act 6, the roster check RPG-style paths of Act 7+ and the roster requirements for progression tiers above Cavalier are all pieces of the same solution to the progression problem. None of them are arbitrary decisions that can just be undone on a whim.
Before introducing the new title, the game team should update few things on the existing top title, as well as ensuring that the new top title will come full up to date in most (if not all) areas of the game, like having seperate objectives, seperate calendars, seperate stores, seperate offers etc.
My guess for the new title requirements was (and still remains), one to three 7* r3s and 8.4 completion.
Depending on when 8.4 will be released, that's about when we will see the next progress title.
And because New Year's offers seem pretty close, and anyway the community doesn't seem in a rush to get a new progress title, I can see Kabam take their time and introduce it during Spring offers.
I might be wrong and be sooner, but it will surely come during a sales period 🙂
I'm down for three 7r3 and one 7r4 with 100% act-8, anything less will be called as "silent nerf and slap in the f2p face."
Players aren't talking about relics in hopes of Kabam actually forgetting about them.