Change the BG Objective Scoring

I think that point farming now being a banable offense is a good thing, but it got me thinking. Why is the winning a match in bronze, worth just as many points as a win in the gladiator circuit. Why not have the points scale as we progress, this rewards player for progressing and would eliminate the incentive to farm at lower levels. What do you think?
Change the BG Objective Scoring 78 votes
Right now, you get 2250 points with Elder Marks for completing a match and 4500 for winning. They could try swapping them for a season, or changing it to 2250 points for winning a match, that way if you lose but win at least 1 round, you only miss out on 2250 points.
When ever there is a currency evolved with completing solo/alliance events there will always be people who are going to try exploit it. While I'm glad that we don't have to use energy for what is arguably one of the games best modes but in my opinion elder marks should not contruibe more points than energy.
Also it shouldn't be locked behind units or progress becuase at some point most players are going to be perma stuck in rank and unable to make any progression and in turn get eldar marks.
Just like "22h event quest completion" as more difficult content you win, the more points you get.
Stupid that winning in bronze gives as equal points in vibranium and GC.
Sure with a trash account a bad player who has played a while with a new account can beat up on brand new accounts and get into gc the first day and START in quantum. But you won't win any matches.