Kabam!? I think I over reacted a bit, soo here it is and one helpful strategy.

PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,587 ★★★★★
Let's face it, there are countless players who are unhappy about point farm nerf, I was as well but then I decided to use Trigonometry, Pythagoras and Periodic table to come onto conclusion that.

We only have to win 2 matches daily with Elder marks to reach 450k+ points, wow, that's actually doable, yes it will be bit harder but it is what it is at this point and those of us who want the top rewards will have to grind it out in actual competition bracket.

Why I made this post? Because I still think that points per win should not be same in Bronze vs GC, GC should reward more points.

All in all, I was loud when I criticised you and other players, so here it is, take it as vital information to convince yourself to 2 win daily or as apology or something something.

You know who it is, at this point. 😎

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