If I could choose the Champions for a year

So this is gonna be a one and done thing mostly just community involvement I guess, but mostly something I got an idea of with how would I add to the contest for a full year = 12 sets of 2 champs?
Select mutants rejoin the contest with reformed looks as both Angel and Jean Grey add on to the roster alongside a revamp of Cyclops (Blue Team)!
Angel (Mutant Class):
Jean Grey (Mutant Class):
Cyclops (Blue Team) would stay the same for design outside of graphical upgrades for his suit, of course he would then get visual reworks for his skills and new stuff to his kit
An Asgard of another world is forced to open its doors as the Herald Of Thunder pleads it to prepare for an upcoming threat!
Thor "Herald Of Galactus" (Cosmic Class):
Iron Hammer (Cosmic Class):
(Thor "Herald Of Thunder" ideally would play closer to that of Sunspot where every move would add a shock debuff rather than an incinerate)
Roberta Mendez enters the battlerealm following a "shocking" trail which spans the wide expanse of the contest itself.
Captain America 2099 (Science Class):
Electro 2099 (Tech Class):
(I could imagine both being very meta for battle grounds, each on opposing sides with Cap for defense and Electro for attack)
Coming toe to toe with both fighters in the red and blue corners, very literally. Let the beat down commence!
Crimson Dyanmo (Tech Class):
A-Bomb (Science Class):
Hawkeye (Clint Barton) would also get both a visual upgrade and rework this month!
Attilan is under siege as a war has reached its borders. With many heroes on their way to assist their defence, can the Inhumans hold their own?
Triton (Skill Class):
Crystal (Science Class):
Attilan barely survived the assault, now the threat's damaged has been shown it's time to secure different locations across the battlerealm to prepare them if they are to be attacked!
Speedball (Science Class):
Black Knight "Dane Whitman" (Mystic Class):
In a sudden turn of events, a lot of the heroes have dissapeared leaving a few about the Battlerealm. They have to quickly rejoin each other however as a new attack is on its way fast!
Nova "Sam Alexander" (Cosmic Class):
Ghost Rider "Robbie Reyes" (Mystic Class):
Magik also gets a rework and a new look this month:
The heroes who dissapeared in the previohs month have been sent outside of the battlerealm and have entered, Kun Lun!
Steel Serpent (Mystic Class):
Bride of Nine Spiders (Skill Class):
With everyone returned and the threat approaching at a rapid pace as the Battlerealm starts to tear apart, the stand against this threat is now!
White Tiger "Ava Ayala" (Mystic Class):
Spider-Girl "Anya Corazon" (Mystic Class):
As the threat named as the Black Winter surrounds the contest, many contestants are affected by its power and thus begin to attack their own allies...the Monster mayhem has begun!
Orrgo (Mystic Class):
Lizard (Science Class):
Also this month, Gamora gets a visual upgrade (not much of a costume change) and a rework!
The snow has come early this year as the Battlerealm is enveloped by the Black Winter's power! It's the last stand, now or never!
Malekith (Cosmic Class):
Uncanny Spider-Man (Mutant Class):
Change "Bride of Nine Spiders" to "Swordmaster" (Mystic Class):
DECEMBER: War is over...
This has been one long year for the battlerealm...now the fight is done...it's time for cleanup! And also a good time for some bonding time/general holiday celebration...go on...you've earned it, Summoner!
Lockjaw (Cosmic Class):
Thane (Cosmic Class):
Outlaw (Skill Class):
Extremely packed and hectic.
Would've loved to give base form Storm a rework and have her be based on the X Men cartoon with the white and gold/long hair but honestly she didn't fit into October or any of the updates where a new character was outside of January but Cyclops does need it too, mostly visually with his base attacks but still.
I like how you titled every month it’d be cool if kabam did this (or do they already do that idk)
But the thing that really kind of irked me was where you wanted to do more reworks on champions that have already received one. Hawkeye, Gamora, and Storm are fine. Actually, they're pretty damn good now, so seeing the need to change them again? That made no sense. Now it could be that you were simply referring to their uniforms and wanting to change their visual design, and if that's really the case, my bad but if you really wanted to rework them, it's a no from me, dawg.
Also, that Magik redesign looks terrible. I wouldn't mind if she got an update to her kit but don't fix what isn't broken.
So Gamora would use her sword and not "generic female attacks"
Clint would use his bow
Cylcops would use eye beams.
Magik has a literal sword she barely uses.
For Storm I personally hate her fit she has rn and her attacks again, are "generic female attack" and not...Storm.
Along with the costume for Magik I just hate the one she got now and would prefer for something with more on ig
Stuff kinda like Spidey ig