(Why) Are there no t1a frags in map 5 crystals?

Maybe I'm late to the party, but I can't remember the last time I pulled t1a frags from a map 5 crystal. Are there seriously none in there? For months now I've been chapped at the lack of t1a's available, only to now feel I've been punished for choosing to play map 5.


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    There are none to be had @Beddleleddle. T1 Alphas are a huge (and ridiculous) bottleneck and you will forever be stuck with the 1/2 alpha you have in fragments with no way to get more unless you run map 2-3 or unless Kabam decides to ease up on the t1 alpha stranglehold.
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    It’s a joke on how t1a’s are right now, if Kabam doesn’t wanna give us more in crystals, quests or ally events then they need to lower the 5-6 needed to rank up a 5*, it’s so unnecessary & would fix the T1a issue
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Use your glory, ffs you get more of it for running map 5-6.

    Yeah and hoarding 5 star crystals isn’t paying off for you guys now that you are looking at 5+ new champs when you can only hold the materials to rank 2-3 at a time eh? You made your bed..
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Use your glory, ffs you get more of it for running map 5-6.

    Yeah and hoarding 5 star crystals isn’t paying off for you guys now that you are looking at 5+ new champs when you can only hold the materials to rank 2-3 at a time eh? You made your bed..

    Use it on GGC or t4b frags.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Use your glory, ffs you get more of it for running map 5-6.

    Yeah and hoarding 5 star crystals isn’t paying off for you guys now that you are looking at 5+ new champs when you can only hold the materials to rank 2-3 at a time eh? You made your bed..

    Use it on GGC or t4b frags.
    And beg for t1a? Seems legit....
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Use your glory, ffs you get more of it for running map 5-6.

    Yeah and hoarding 5 star crystals isn’t paying off for you guys now that you are looking at 5+ new champs when you can only hold the materials to rank 2-3 at a time eh? You made your bed..

    Use it on GGC or t4b frags.
    And beg for t1a? Seems legit....

    You just don't get it. I will leave you to contemplate it. Maybe when you finally understand they will have made lower tier mata more available.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Yeah honestly if they are in map 3 crystals and map 2 crystals why not drop whole alphas into the map 5s (even better put 2 alphas as a reward) no one running map 5s would mind this, so many solutions all easy, multiple available
    In alpha arena, map 5 crystals, reduce the amount needed for 5*, just do something. and to all you map 3 runners who think we should use our glory all on alphas, some of us do, it's still not enough, makes no sense that those who progress in the game lose access to a basic resource that becomes more and more necessary,
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    I’d be really depressed if I got t1a in map 5 crystals.

    I have expiring ones in my stash. And yes, I’m patient with my rank ups.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    I’d be really depressed if I got t1a in map 5 crystals.

    I have expiring ones in my stash. And yes, I’m patient with my rank ups.


    Remember that it was our complaints that got T1a and potions removed from the map 5 crystals as people were sick of pulling them.

    The compromise would be too put them back into the milestones.

    Plus as others have said, use your glory, if you’re far enough in that you feel the T1a squeeze then you definitely don’t need more glory crystals, if you do then you’re not as far into the late game as you think.
  • BeddleleddleBeddleleddle Member Posts: 11
    I have 26 5*, 12 of which are r3 or higher, buy 3-5 alphas with glory every aq, have never bought a single glory crystal and currently have 2 t4b & 3 t4c at risk of expiring in the stash all because I can't get enough t1a to rank up more often.

    Admittedly I put myself in that position because I've been opening all my map 5 crystals trying to get more alphas. But seriously it's bonkers how little we get considering how many you need for 5* rank ups. @Speeds80 put it best IMO
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    makes no sense that those who progress in the game lose access to a basic resource that becomes more and more necessary,
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    I have 26 5*, 12 of which are r3 or higher, buy 3-5 alphas with glory every aq, have never bought a single glory crystal and currently have 2 t4b & 3 t4c at risk of expiring in the stash all because I can't get enough t1a to rank up more often.

    Admittedly I put myself in that position because I've been opening all my map 5 crystals trying to get more alphas. But seriously it's bonkers how little we get considering how many you need for 5* rank ups. @Speeds80 put it best IMO
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    makes no sense that those who progress in the game lose access to a basic resource that becomes more and more necessary,

    Opening map 5 crystals to get more alphas? They’re not available there.

    There’s no need to rank all 5*s to r2/r3. I only do so when I have expiring t1as. Learning to manage resources wisely is part of the game.
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  • mwhitakermwhitaker Member Posts: 18
    idk why they don't add them to the free 4 hour crystal
  • mwhitakermwhitaker Member Posts: 18
    idk why they don't add them to the free 4 hour crystal
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  • OhGodYesOhGodYes Member Posts: 143
    If you have too many T1 Alphas you:
    1. Haven’t progressed far enough to need large quantities at 1 time I.e. ranking multiple 5 stars.
    2. Play mostly Map 3 or lower
    3. Don’t have the gold to rank your heros up
    4. Don’t have many champs and are hoarding your alpha for that 1 special champ.
    5. Or In some situations are so far advanced that you ranked most of your 5 Star heros before they decreased the drop rate.

    Stop saying you can buy them in the glory store. We know this. I buy every single one, every week, hit every single milestone etc. meaning I max out every opportunity to get them and still come up short. Someone in my alliance spun 135 greater solo crystals and didn’t pull a single t1 alpha. They didn’t even have a single one in the cyber Monday deals!! They are doing it on purpose, that’s why the 1000s of threads go unanswered.
  • OhGodYesOhGodYes Member Posts: 143
    xNig wrote: »
    I’d be really depressed if I got t1a in map 5 crystals.

    I have expiring ones in my stash. And yes, I’m patient with my rank ups.


    Remember that it was our complaints that got T1a and potions removed from the map 5 crystals as people were sick of pulling them.

    The compromise would be too put them back into the milestones.

    Plus as others have said, use your glory, if you’re far enough in that you feel the T1a squeeze then you definitely don’t need more glory crystals, if you do then you’re not as far into the late game as you think.

    You both obviously don’t do 5x5. When you finally do, you will understand the struggle. I have 12 T4CC expiring this month and at the drop rate and t1 availability, even if I max out every opportunity to buy one and earn one I have a feeling it won’t be enough.
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    edited November 2017
    They should add shards to the AQ exploration rewards.

    I also think the arena needs an update, maybe the chance to earn 3 at different intervals of milestones upto 2.5M.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    OhGodYes wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    I’d be really depressed if I got t1a in map 5 crystals.

    I have expiring ones in my stash. And yes, I’m patient with my rank ups.


    Remember that it was our complaints that got T1a and potions removed from the map 5 crystals as people were sick of pulling them.

    The compromise would be too put them back into the milestones.

    Plus as others have said, use your glory, if you’re far enough in that you feel the T1a squeeze then you definitely don’t need more glory crystals, if you do then you’re not as far into the late game as you think.

    You both obviously don’t do 5x5. When you finally do, you will understand the struggle. I have 12 T4CC expiring this month and at the drop rate and t1 availability, even if I max out every opportunity to buy one and earn one I have a feeling it won’t be enough.

    How about you pipe down before coming to such assumptions as I lead a 5x5 alliance.

    I never said it isn’t an issue I was more directing my comment at the people saying they need T1a but then buy glory crystals instead of them.
    I’ll admit I have a couple in overflow, but that’s not because I don’t do map 5 as you incorrectly presumed, it’s because I lack a lot of T4b. Throw on top the fact that my last 3 5* pulls have been ant man and suddenly my need for T1a is gone and replaced with a need for T4b just to use some of my T4cc before they start piling into overflow.

    Now, would you like a hand getting down from your high horse?
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Who buys glory crystals that's complaining about alphas? Another thing is the ones who are asking probably grind more, I do, I'm f2p but I have 17 5*s, half awakened, I do try r2 my 5*s so I can use them in arena after fight 15, and generally manage my alphas for that, but then I hundred percented 5.3 got a tech awakening gem, decided to buy my first feature crystal and got sparky, pumped as, best day ever in the game, I finally have a gameplan for lol. I've got tech t4cs and t4bs to take him straight to r3 and soon r4 but wait wtf I need 16 alphas..... 16 alphas that's more than a months worth of glory?, and running alpha arena, and I pulled nc 5* and have the cats to r3 him for war defense but wait that's another 10 alphas, so that's 26 I need for those two characters, I've pulled some good 4*s in the last month I would like to at least try r3 but nope I need those alphas for the 5*s, what's the point in doing anything else if I just need alphas, some people have suggested doing map 3 for a week or two, it's not a bad idea but it would destroy my alliance I know it, our focus is aq and people want t4cs. Apart from the theory above which sounds quite feasible at this stage, that it's on purpose to slow progression. It doesn't make sense making a basic rank up tool harder to obtain the further you progress in the game at the same time as making them more necessary
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    OhGodYes wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    I’d be really depressed if I got t1a in map 5 crystals.

    I have expiring ones in my stash. And yes, I’m patient with my rank ups.


    Remember that it was our complaints that got T1a and potions removed from the map 5 crystals as people were sick of pulling them.

    The compromise would be too put them back into the milestones.

    Plus as others have said, use your glory, if you’re far enough in that you feel the T1a squeeze then you definitely don’t need more glory crystals, if you do then you’re not as far into the late game as you think.

    You both obviously don’t do 5x5. When you finally do, you will understand the struggle. I have 12 T4CC expiring this month and at the drop rate and t1 availability, even if I max out every opportunity to buy one and earn one I have a feeling it won’t be enough.

    Don’t make me laugh dude. Similar to @Mr_Platypus, I lead a 12m alliance in tier 2 doing 5x5. I just checked your in-game profile, you’re far far away from where I am in the game. My champs on the second page of my roster will still triumph your profile’s top 4 champs. You’re still new in figuring out the game and how to manage upgrade resources.

    Honestly I feel sad that you have 12 T4C expiring this month but it’s on you for not managing your resources well and having them expire.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Who buys glory crystals that's complaining about alphas? Another thing is the ones who are asking probably grind more, I do, I'm f2p but I have 17 5*s, half awakened, I do try r2 my 5*s so I can use them in arena after fight 15, and generally manage my alphas for that, but then I hundred percented 5.3 got a tech awakening gem, decided to buy my first feature crystal and got sparky, pumped as, best day ever in the game, I finally have a gameplan for lol. I've got tech t4cs and t4bs to take him straight to r3 and soon r4 but wait wtf I need 16 alphas..... 16 alphas that's more than a months worth of glory?, and running alpha arena, and I pulled nc 5* and have the cats to r3 him for war defense but wait that's another 10 alphas, so that's 26 I need for those two characters, I've pulled some good 4*s in the last month I would like to at least try r3 but nope I need those alphas for the 5*s, what's the point in doing anything else if I just need alphas, some people have suggested doing map 3 for a week or two, it's not a bad idea but it would destroy my alliance I know it, our focus is aq and people want t4cs. Apart from the theory above which sounds quite feasible at this stage, that it's on purpose to slow progression. It doesn't make sense making a basic rank up tool harder to obtain the further you progress in the game at the same time as making them more necessary

    You’re saying you don’t have 16 alphas after 2 months? And knowing that you’re going to be trying for Stark featured, you didn’t prepare enough resources in case you got him?

    Every month there are 10 3day alliance events, 3 T1A arenas, 3-4 AQ Cycles, and you’re telling me you can’t muster 16 t1a in a month?
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Who said I don't have 16 alphas after 2 months where did you get those numbers from? What I'm saying is I pulled two champs and needed 26 alphas to do what I wanted, I had been hoarding t4bs and t4cs and even alphas but the need for 26 alphas to rank up 2 champs is an imbalance in the game especially given that since I run map5 I have to focus for a month or two solely on what is essentially a basic building block, are you arguing that it makes sense for a games most limited resource at the progressive levels of the game tobbe the most basic building block and that it shouldn't be available in balance with how hard you are working at gainin higher resources, I don't know of any game that uses this principal; it's just not common sense
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I wasn't going for stark spidey until I pulled the tech awakening, i had been hoping for an awakening gem for my drax to run lol, he's r4 but unawakened and that's a different story @xNig you run 5x5 and you think the alpha balance is fine? Do you grind? guess you just don't mind sitting on champs if you've already got most of the games roster, just seems strange to me to have t4cs and t4bs and even t2as ready for ranking who I want and still be waiting on grinding for t1as
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Ah so we should be able to r4 a champ every 2 weeks? Got any more of what you’ve been smoking?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Ah so we should be able to r4 a champ every 2 weeks? Got any more of what you’ve been smoking?

    Whatever. I don't rank champs that often and never have enough t1 alphas. Glad you don't have a problem with alphas but this has been an issue for a lot of players for awhile.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    This has been a revolving argument, I've contributed to about 20 of these forums in the last few months (and another one has popped up today), because I would like kabam to see, they obviously have seen and obviously have chosen to do nothing. if People are in need enough to ask then the people saying there are enough or that we are somehow wrong in hoping for a more balanced upgrade rewards system at higher levels, you're basically being trolls or just ****, if hundreds of people are saying there is an illogical imbalance, and you don't have that imbalance from your gameplay, that is no reason to tell us we are playing wrong or expecting too much. Clearly kabam are doing this on purpose so I'm done pushing the point, it makes sense to me from a business point of view if you want people to keep playing and pushing for new champions and phasing in 6s and making 4*s less relevant that they for some reason handicapped 5*s by setting the alpha requirement high, then making the alphas a more limited resource I guess they are trying to slow down us being able to rank our 5*s to r3 for some reason, I'm happy with r4s being hard to rank and t2as being rare, but not sure why they want to hold up r2 and r3 5*s.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Ah so we should be able to r4 a champ every 2 weeks? Got any more of what you’ve been smoking?

    Whatever. I don't rank champs that often and never have enough t1 alphas. Glad you don't have a problem with alphas but this has been an issue for a lot of players for awhile.
    You must also not play the game often as you can readily acquire 21 t1a a month which is more than enough to regularly rank champions.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I play tons (probably 6 hours a day) so I have tons of 4*s and 5*s I have earnt, alphas has long been my bottleneck resource and most of my glory goes on them. you obviously play differently to me, the real problem is the want to r2 5*s, if I left them r1 I would be better off but I've had really good 5* luck lately Ultron, sparky nightcrawler hawkeye and magik , which has really highlighted this alpha shortage
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Ah so we should be able to r4 a champ every 2 weeks? Got any more of what you’ve been smoking?

    Whatever. I don't rank champs that often and never have enough t1 alphas. Glad you don't have a problem with alphas but this has been an issue for a lot of players for awhile.
    You must also not play the game often as you can readily acquire 21 t1a a month which is more than enough to regularly rank champions.

    Yup that must be it. I've completed all game content to date except for 100% LOL (only one run so far). I'm an officer in an active 12 million alliance. Must just not play the game very much.
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