Remove Parry and Dex from Defenders in BGs

Title says it all. Too many fights have been lost due to RNG because the defender happens to block at the right time, or dex hits. No skill is involved in this and it would help move battlegrounds away from AI dependency (fights being decided by how the AI acts rather than player skill), which is currently a problem. We saw the defender parry come into play during the Battlerealm Brawl and it was very disappointing to watch that decide the fate of some fights.
Edit: Arenas too
In terms of removing Parry/Dex you can't have a Mastery load out, and ban one or two Masteries. I mean, you technically could if they decided to. I just wouldn't expect it to go over well.
Let’s hope that the changes they’ve just announced bring playing back to a point where it doesn’t feel like we’re continuously playing roulette.
Second I guess you might as well have the defender stunlocked the entire fight.
You can avoid being perried by intercepting properly. I also get perried in BG, it sucks when it happens. It's part on the game and the challenge.
Moreover, it’s one thing to ask a PVE opponent have a defensive ability taken away, but you’re asking for *player* defenders’ abilities to be taken away. Abilities the player deliberately placed there. The justification for taking something away from other players should be far higher than the threshold for taking something away from the general content. The fact that you’re willing to give it up yourself doesn’t change that fact. The game doesn’t care if you take something away from it. But the other players will.
When you say “I don’t think my opponents - who are other people who play the game - should have X and so the game should take it away” that’s going to generate a strong counter response under the best of circumstances. Without any sort of objective justification, you’re asking for blowback.
Once again with the the “players deliberately put those abilities in place.”
Players do not put points in the parry and dexterity mastery to buff their defenders. I believe the game requires you to pick parry to complete the tutorial now, so it’s basically not even a “choice” made by the player. Let’s say they changed the wording to be “ATTACKER ONLY”, would anybody be removing these masteries? No.
Pretty much every other mastery can be chosen for their defensive capabilities and many are chosen exclusively for that. Removing MD from defense is foolish, removing recoils because of champs like omega red and Elsa is foolish. People choose to run those masteries and those champs to buff their attackers and defenders. Parry and dex are chosen exclusively for attack. Let’s say they added parry and dex to the base kit of attackers only and then added a whole mastery just to give it to defenders, how many people would waste points on that?
I’m not asking to nerf the game or whining because I’ve lost to parry. Many of us have lost to parry, whatever, you move on. What sold me on the idea of this was the battlerealm brawl. It was kinda lame to see fights end that way in a competition like that.
And everybody roasting me for talking about the AI, refer to kabam’s AI post.