What is considered farming in BGs?

If i start the fight but refuse to play, because the opponent is a known cheater or that the roster is too huge for me to have a reasonable chance of winning, so i simply leave my phone on and do something else (In order to get the points for "completing" a match", is that considered farming?
if so, why is that the case? There is no reason for me to try to attempt a round when the odds of me winning are from my perception below 5%; I would rather spend my time on something else.
if so, why is that the case? There is no reason for me to try to attempt a round when the odds of me winning are from my perception below 5%; I would rather spend my time on something else.
Even if u think you have no chance, just try and use it as Training for future.
For someone who's constantly calling Cav players peasants and scrubs for complaining about matchmaking you sure whine a lot lol.
It actually does serve a purpose, I forfeit every once in a while, if something comes up and I don't want to leave my game open for the next 20 minutes I forfeit. What I'm not gonna do is forfeit with energy before I move up to the next league so I can continue to stomp noobs, why? Cause that's not how the forfeit button is meant to be used as per Kabam's post, cope.
Bro really typed in all-caps lol go take your meds buddy, it's not that serious.
I don't, cause as I just explained it does have it's uses.
If posting a few answers a day means I'm living in these forums then yes this is my house. Personally though, I just think you're mad cause someone told you you can't read lol.