Matching in bgs is absolutely ridiculous

I've been stuck in vibranium forever now. Because no matter what I always face big whales. I'm almost at 3 mil power but I consistently face against people 2 million over me. I thought it was supposed to be "fair match making, but I guess not!
i am 4.5mil still in vibranium cus i don't play more than 2 matches per day.
What is more plausible? That you are the ultimate 50% big account killer, or that they are staying on a tier just to farm?
1 toke or not sometimes they do it to get the play 3 match objective.
what i find the most frustrating is horrible drafts and even more horrible AI. the most recent is Overseer whiffing on his SP1 stun punish. fire it off and go in to punish while they're stunned and he totally whiffs the medium and slap to my face afterwards.
The very least, look at those threads and realize your complaint is invalid.
Many good players with strong accounts, don't rush to get to GC and play only for daily objectives.
Not all players play BGs at the same pace 😉
But it’s all RNG. 🙄