Who to take up

This my current 6 star roster. Ive been opening 5 star cosmic tech dual class crystals looking for herc, but after opening atleast 20 ive given up. I have a mystic 1-2 gem and skill 1-2 gem. I want at least two r3 who will help me the most in act 6 and tb. Any suggestions?
Also i have a cosmic ag and 4-5 rank up gem for a 5*, and 200 5* sig stones. I wanted to get herc max sig and ascend him, but i cant seem to get him. My other good cosmics are angela gorr and medusa. Ive been thinking about max sig angela, but I wont be able to use the odin synergy since i dont have him. Is angela the way to go or should I wait for herc, galan, etc.