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Should I rank 4 Archangel?

So I'm a new Paragon player with a r5 Hercules, Rank 4 Doom, and Rank 4 Kingpin. I've got a lot of Mutant iso i want to use and I'm thinking about ranking up my 6* AA. I already have a 5* Ascended at like sig 135 and he's been great for me in BGs, so I'm not sure just how much that extra rank might do for the 6* vs the 5*. I'm lowkey considering Bishop just to make him that much more of a threat on defense, but I don't really use him anywhere else so I'm not sure. I also want to take up Nick and Hulkling, but since I already have a cosmic and skill champ at r4+, I was hoping to take up somebody from another class to keep it balanced, which is why I'm leaning towards AA. What do you guys think I should do?

Should I rank 4 Archangel? 61 votes

Rank 4 Archangel(unawakened but can be taken to sig 112)
DrZolabuffajrManup456Feeney234Sw0rdMasterBulmktEakomoSbkruebMoeyTehrAyden_noah1Zeezoosedriccaptain_rogersPowerofpain1001XyakirXSpideyFunkoBeastDadJefechutaJT_Supremewillrun4adonut 33 votes
Rank 4 Bishop(sig 20)
Rank 4 Nick Fury(sig 95)
SecondSkrillerDogfoodLidAdvEgretM4AozerAdri5846FrostGiantLordShriek_And_DonkFutbol_4_LIFE 9 votes
Rank 4 Hulkling(unawakened)
Zeke_the_XbotPrimeSaviour_27WhoDaPooItsClobberinTimeo_oAzenstarSaltE_Wenis69Ioniqus_797ShenkBlackTuranAnsh_AElite13MasterADevelopedPanda0Emilia90ArmageddønNemesis_17LopsCookieJarMonsta 19 votes


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    ShtickRickShtickRick Posts: 210
    I want to add that I can also ascend my first 6*, and I'm debating between Herc and AA (if he goes to rank 4), the reason being that at my current level in the game, tier 6 catalysts are few and far between, so if I ascend AA, it would most likely be a very long time before he'd ever go to rank 5
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    PikokPikok Posts: 144 ★★
    edited November 2023
    Do what you want. AA is good for bg and all content. PS: AA is a solid at sig 20. Dont waste sig stones. Search on youtube „sig 112 AA is a myth”
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,470 ★★★★★
    Rank 4 Hulkling(unawakened)
    I’d do Hulkling first and then Nick. AA is amazing at r3, but after I r4’d a lot of other champs, he’s easily next in line since you’ll need him at that level for higher tier battlegrounds and stuff. Wouldn’t take bishop up above r3 because he’s in the 7* pool
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    ShtickRickShtickRick Posts: 210
    I'd appreciate it also if you gave the reason as to which choice you made
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,577 ★★★★★
    Rank 4 Archangel(unawakened but can be taken to sig 112)
    He’s that good.
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    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    Rank 4 Nick Fury(sig 95)
    I'd go with NF first. He's a BG god with his second life, which simultaneously provides for a good safety net in case you mess up bad during fights. He's also an insane attacker and an annoying defender at the same time, making him quite a versatile champion.
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    QueenMcocQueenMcoc Posts: 1,117 ★★★
    edited November 2023
    Rank 4 Archangel(unawakened but can be taken to sig 112)
    Archangel is Top Tier Attacker, if defender is not immune to bleed and poison, the defenders will stand as meme, and AA melts they in few seconds.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,560 ★★★★★
    Rank 4 Archangel(unawakened but can be taken to sig 112)

    I want to add that I can also ascend my first 6*, and I'm debating between Herc and AA (if he goes to rank 4), the reason being that at my current level in the game, tier 6 catalysts are few and far between, so if I ascend AA, it would most likely be a very long time before he'd ever go to rank 5

    Ascend herc
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    SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    Rank 4 Nick Fury(sig 95)
    Nick or Hulkling your choice
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,840 ★★★★★
    All of them, except bishop (since he is in the 7* pool) but if you don't have many R4 champs, all of them.

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