Suggestion / solution to Battlegrounds - leagues based on champions' stars

In every sport, there is a clear separation between adults and children.
No matter how amazing a 5-year-old at tennis, you won't place him in the same competition with Nadal or Djokovic - there are "little leagues" created for children so they can battle their peers.
There are a lot of complaints about Battlegrounds, where smaller accounts consider that competing against huge accounts is not fair.
Kabam created Battlegrounds as a free-for-all type of event.
So, it doesn't matter if you only have 1-2 6* champions... sooner or later you will face accounts with 5-6 or more 7* champions.
My suggestion is simple: add leagues based on champions' stars.
Leave the existing form as it is - a free-for-all with high rewards but also create 2 secondary leagues for 4* champions and 5* champions.
In these leagues, anyone can join, of course... but the selection of the champions would be limited to 4* or 5* - similar to how Arenas work (there are high arenas where you can join with 5*, 6*, 7* champions but there are low arenas where you can only join with 4* champions).
In these "little leagues", the rewards will be lower but will add extra value to your 4* and 5* champions by giving them new content to be used in.
Also, this will solve the "Solo Battlegrounds Objectives" problem.
Currently, smaller accounts cannot complete the 2-days objectives because they are faced with larger accounts and they always lose no matter what.
I look forward to the community's feedback.
Thank you,
In every sport, there is a clear separation between adults and children.
No matter how amazing a 5-year-old at tennis, you won't place him in the same competition with Nadal or Djokovic - there are "little leagues" created for children so they can battle their peers.
There are a lot of complaints about Battlegrounds, where smaller accounts consider that competing against huge accounts is not fair.
Kabam created Battlegrounds as a free-for-all type of event.
So, it doesn't matter if you only have 1-2 6* champions... sooner or later you will face accounts with 5-6 or more 7* champions.
My suggestion is simple: add leagues based on champions' stars.
Leave the existing form as it is - a free-for-all with high rewards but also create 2 secondary leagues for 4* champions and 5* champions.
In these leagues, anyone can join, of course... but the selection of the champions would be limited to 4* or 5* - similar to how Arenas work (there are high arenas where you can join with 5*, 6*, 7* champions but there are low arenas where you can only join with 4* champions).
In these "little leagues", the rewards will be lower but will add extra value to your 4* and 5* champions by giving them new content to be used in.
Also, this will solve the "Solo Battlegrounds Objectives" problem.
Currently, smaller accounts cannot complete the 2-days objectives because they are faced with larger accounts and they always lose no matter what.
I look forward to the community's feedback.
Thank you,
the only way to "solve" these rosters gap would be to kabam giving access to every champion in any rarity and make players choose during off season who to rank up specifivally for the next BG season (a bit like they did for battlerealm) and then reset the rank / sig after the season ends.
But in term of $$ thats not worth it so wont happend
Easier than a 6* or a 7*.
So, an uncollected with high skill could beat a paragon even if the paragon will have more 4*.
Most high end players here have half 4/5* maxed out (if not more), its not a UC with 3 r5 4* that will win against them
You trying to tell me that the rank ups I made all this seasons for BGs are going to be wasted cause now they made a parallel league?...
How about we leave it as it is and you progress more and rank up more?
I would love to see a UC beat a Paragon on a 5* only match when they don't even have full masteries.
So everyone lower than Paragon won‘t be able to get huge numbers of 7* Shards, Titan Shards, Abyss Nexus or T6CC from BG Milestones, because they play in a lower League. Just like Nadal will earn way more prize money in his League than the 5-year-old in Kid‘s League.
The moment you open the final X* crystal that crosses you over the threshold will screw you completely....
High ranks high rewards
Because let's face it, kid tennis players don't earn anything in comparison to pro tennis players.
4* BG will get materials to upgrade 5* barely
5* BG matches will get materials to upgrade 5* somewhat
6* BG will get all the.