Necropolis MVP?

Now that the release date for Necropolis has been announced I was wondering, who will be the MVP? Champs with dot are going to be the best ones by far due to the damage cap but in your opinion who will be the best one? These are obviously just predictions since we don't know enough about the defenders or the nodes yet.
Necropolis MVP? 276 votes
Scorpion synergy (which is part of the AV synergy)
7-Star Knull
And something is brewing with Zemo…
Btw a 6* ascended archangel with sucides will be insane for some fights (with white mags synergy)
There's a pretty high chance that one of the champs mentioned in this thread will be the MVP indeed, 50% of the other big damage dealers will be terrible due to the damage cap alone.
Damage cap in necro will be atleast 150k which herc can only get when he's 5/65 ascended and when his last sp 2 Hit crits with 3 cruelty