New level up interface

With the new update comes a little change when leveling up your champs:

Let's be honest here, we need to disable or move the unit level up option somewhere else.
It's on the same level as those units pop up offers, I can already see people making posts about pushing that button inadvertently.
I know a similar option option already existed for rank up but it didn't feel misplaced like this one does. Plus what's wrong with the cost ??

Let's be honest here, we need to disable or move the unit level up option somewhere else.
It's on the same level as those units pop up offers, I can already see people making posts about pushing that button inadvertently.
I know a similar option option already existed for rank up but it didn't feel misplaced like this one does. Plus what's wrong with the cost ??
This makes no sense having the button rigth there and its going to make loads of people push that unit button by accident. Do they give me the units back if that happen?Because is going to happen for sure...Kabam must have loads of employees with nothing to do for them to get a full time job giving units back to people
Jokes aside, I vote to have something on configurations to disable that button from level up screen.
There is no way this is an oversight. This is 100% intentional placement to get accidental clicks. What the hell
Even the whales will not use this.... they already have millions of gold and ton of ISO.
The sales come every year, and people either want to buy them, or they don't. No one is trying to "make" us spend. If people want to spend, they spend. If they don't, the game isn't forcing anyone to.