BG Modders

DUHveedDUHveed Member Posts: 360 ★★★
I’m not trying to come across as a complainer or someone who feels “entitled” to things but it’s rather frustrating when you face an obvious modder. I reported them and I realize they’re not going to get banned immediately, but it would at least be nice if Kabam would refund the Elder’s Marks in those situations. I feel like it’s only fair if the other player isn’t playing within the rules.
For context: I know for a fact this was a modder because their highest PI champ was a 5k 6* r1 champ. And they took out my r5 Doom in under 20 seconds.


  • MiniMFMiniMF Member Posts: 848 ★★★★
    i think that its always good to provide evidence even if they have access to the match stats, like you report in game but also take screeenshots and send them via a ticket in the support section about cheating etc. makes things easier and i assume it woulk enhance the chances of getting the player banned
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★
    Best thing you can do is submit a ticket to kabam for a more thorough report.
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