2.4 mil rating looking for AQ and BG focused alliance

2.4 mil rating, 15.8k prestige account looking for an alliance that focuses on Alliance Quest and Battlegrounds.
Also have a friend with me that has about the same rating and puts up good BG event numbers.
We ran our own alliance to gold in AW but burned out from all the work, and lack of communication from members. Not looking for a leadership role or AW focus, just want to contribute to events and AQ and get rewards.
In game name: Zway911
Also have a friend with me that has about the same rating and puts up good BG event numbers.
We ran our own alliance to gold in AW but burned out from all the work, and lack of communication from members. Not looking for a leadership role or AW focus, just want to contribute to events and AQ and get rewards.
In game name: Zway911