Get Now Button for Rank Up

QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 826 ★★★★
You need to move this button to somewhere else. It is very close to the rank up button and I can see people hitting the Get Now button by accident.


  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    It's a bit close but there is a confirmation screen so it's not as bad as it could've been I guess. I think the unit costs are too steep for it to be a useful feature, even to the biggest spenders, as I doubt they're short on gold and iso.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Milan1405 said:

    It's a bit close but there is a confirmation screen so it's not as bad as it could've been I guess. I think the unit costs are too steep for it to be a useful feature, even to the biggest spenders, as I doubt they're short on gold and iso.

    Its probably attractive to big spenders who are starting from scratch or just coming to the game now. Or impulse buyers. People bought that 2000 unit 4* crystal back in the day just to get a jump ahead, people impulse buy offers all the time, and anyone spending tons of cash on the game could simply push that button to rank a champ up because the unit costs to them are entirely trivial.

    Also, even whales can get short on gold or ISO, especially ISO, because how much gold and ISO you have doesn't just depend on how much you spend, it also depends on what you spent on. A lot of expensive offers are net gold and ISO negative, not positive, because they contain things that require gold to use, not gold itself.

    Almost no one is overflowing with everything. Any player overflowing with everything will rank up champions until they start getting short of something. Very few players, no matter how much they spend, have literally nothing to spend their resources on. ISO especially can run out because while gold is a currency with no cap and thus you can accumulate it indefinitely, ISO is a resource with inventory limits. You can't just pile it up until you need it. You have to spend it roughly when you get it or sell it. So no amount of spending in March gives you an excess of ISO in July.
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