BG Cheaters

You know I typically just report cheaters and go on about my day slightly annoyed. I’ve seen an uptick in cheaters this season and I’ve once again just taken it and moved on. But considering how annoying this meta is alongside the increased number of cheaters this season, I feel I have to make a post. I’m tired of constantly losing my resources with absolutely no recourse. Reporting cheaters is all well and fine and maybe they’ll get banned but I still lose resources and points towards my next rank. I made it all the way to quantum this season which I was happy about but that didn’t last long. I just wish Kabam would do something extra to help blunt the sting of modders, like BG packages with elders marks, shuffle signets, and energy or give additional points based on successful reports of modders. Something has to be done.

So Just Report & Move on!
At least, that's what my sources say.
Now that said, I have to believe they have the data to say "Okay, Player X was modding, he's banned." Then go back and look at every person that player fought and refund the energy or elder marks to folks who were effected by (lost to) that cheater.
Implementing that sort of reimbursement is the next logical step, and would go a long way towards dampening the blow to players effected in season.
Dr. Zola