Sandman decelerate issue and root whiff

@Kabam Miike I found a couple issues since the update with Sandman.

1) the decelerate debuffs on sp2 aren't counting as debuffs for decay and for the TB science node that removes passive weakness with non-damaging debuffs. I'm not sure if it's more related to sandman himself or the debuff itself

2) I also experienced this in TB eq but for the root into heavy spam phase, sandman whiffed 100% of the time when fighting Rocket Racoon but didn't whiff vs anyone else I've experienced so far.

I tried a support ticket but they refused to even pass anything on without me wasting my own energy to send a video that would have been rejected as 100% of the attempts at sending video evidence has been rejected in my experience so I'm coming here to you so this can be looked into.

Thank you.


  • GameChanger12GameChanger12 Member Posts: 43
    @Pikolu was this ever passed on or looked into? I know the community mods can't get to every post so wanted to ensure it was considered and just today realized you are a source that might be useful to tag. Thanks for the help
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,290 Guardian
    Someone had recently mentioned how sandman in necropolis still placed his debuffs while tranquilized, so this is good information. I passed along to the message to the game team.
  • Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,096 Content Creator
    For number 1, the issue of his debuffs not counting for the science EQ node, I brought that one up recently and was told that one is fixed in an upcoming patch
  • GameChanger12GameChanger12 Member Posts: 43
    This is all I was looking for so thank you. I also know that anything newly release has elevated potential for issues so simply wanted the message passed along.
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