Which 4* tech champ to awaken and put sig stones into?

I've been planning on investing in my 4* Starlord, but Vision AOU (already rank 5) will be so valuable in Act 5, and I'm guessing I won't be taking 4* Starlord into Labyrinth at this point.
My only five stars are Venom and Captain Marvel, both unduped.
My champs that are currently rank 5 (or will be soon) are:
Wolverine (duped)
Gwenpool (duped)
Vision AOU (unduped)
Drax (duped)
Hulk (unduped)
Ghost Rider (unduped, but I have a mystic gem)
Archangel (unduped)
My current leaning is to put my act 4 generic gem into Vision, and use the 5.1 exploration gem into Archangel, and use that team of 7 on act 5. Would it be better to leave Vision unduped and bring Starlord to rank 5 and awaken him?
My only five stars are Venom and Captain Marvel, both unduped.
My champs that are currently rank 5 (or will be soon) are:
Wolverine (duped)
Gwenpool (duped)
Vision AOU (unduped)
Drax (duped)
Hulk (unduped)
Ghost Rider (unduped, but I have a mystic gem)
Archangel (unduped)
My current leaning is to put my act 4 generic gem into Vision, and use the 5.1 exploration gem into Archangel, and use that team of 7 on act 5. Would it be better to leave Vision unduped and bring Starlord to rank 5 and awaken him?
As for that mystic gem, I'd use that on GR in a second. He's worth it.
So...i typed this all out and then saw that that's a generic awakening gem. I take it back. Vision is worth a tech gem, but not a generic one. Lol. I wouldn't use a generic on SL either. AA, maybe.
I haven't gotten a tech gem. I have a mystic and a currently useless skill gem, a generic and eventually a 5.1 generic. Given how much of a staple Vision is and how good is utility is, and the fact that I don't really need the generic elsewhere, why not?
Vision is not worth a generic awakening gem. Watch Seatin on Youtube if you do not believe me.
Yes, Starlord is god tier, but is he actually more useful than Vision for act 5? Starlord is unparalleled in Labyrinth, but I'm not looking to use him in Labyrinth at this point. My Labyrinth plan is to wait until I have a 5* worth taking to rank 5.
Yeah I watch Seatin videos all the time, but he does change his content based on game development. Now with rank 5 five stars coming out and the value of exploring act 5, SL doesn't seem as valuable to me as Vision. Seatin hasn't ever mentioned how perfect Vision is for act 5.
I have both awakened and I used SL for Act 5.
If he has not mentioned that then do you really think Vision is a good choice to awaken and take into Act 5 then?
I'm sure SL is good for act 5, the question is, which one is more replaceable? I have GP and AA for heavy hitting.
I don't know, that's why I'm asking. He puts SL in god tier and Vision in demi-god tier when talking about them overall. He's making general videos. Wouldn't Vision be god tier if you were just talking about act 5?
Edit: Vision is by far the best option for Collector, just as one example.
For me he is not. But do whatever you want. It is obvious that you value your own opinion more than that of the community.
Bro, that's just rude. I'm pushing for clarity. If I didn't want other opinions I wouldn't have asked.
It is not rude. It is actually far more rude of you to accuse me of something falsely, but let's just leave it at this.
My statement above is my view of the situation. I told you I do not think Vision is a good fit for Act 5. I could give you a lot of reasons, but mainly there is this: he has no ability to get health back and you already have another very good power control champ in Ghost Rider. Also it is my opinion that he is not worthy of a generic awakening gem. You disagree and obviously have your own opinions. I respect your opinion but I refuse to waste any additional time discussing it. Thanks and have a nice day.
Just let it go. You cursed and you accused him of something. You are wrong.
I would agree with this opinion and with that of @whaler213. But I would say Vision AOU at 5/50 does not need to be awakened to be effective at power control. Vision OG does and would be great against the Collector. Definitely use the gem on SL unless it is Vision OG.