Yet another Necro completion

Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
After spreading it out over 2 days, I just now completed Necropolis

Not going to do a detailed write up, there are lots of people who've done a way better job than I ever could

I'll however share my team:
6*R4A Aegon
7*R2 Shuri
6*R3 Wiccan
5* Proxima
6* Heimdall

Taking a reverse control immune champ is VITAL for the last percentage of GM, he's aweful without it. That's why I took Wiccan

Spent 80 revives from the stash, bought the 1000 unit EQ offer, and bought another 10 revives or so, so far from perfect but I still have a healthy stash of units left

My 7*s were Mysterio and VtD, so less than thrilled about that. And I got a R2>R3 Tech gem, that'll be going to Shuri most likely

But my Titan crystal I've formed GOT ME SILK!!
I've heard a lot of good things about her but have yet to use her, very excited and happy about it tho!

Lastly a thanks to the community for all the endless guides, tips, tricks, and help that has been shared over the years.
This his been my first real Everest style content I've done besides a path in Lab, never even touched Abyss. So thanks for helping us skill deficienct summoners out!


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Awesome. Congrats to you and the other sweaties who have cleared this content.

    Curious re: Wiccan. How many revives did the degen cost during the reverse control phase?
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,607 ★★★★★

    Awesome. Congrats to you and the other sweaties who have cleared this content.

    Curious re: Wiccan. How many revives did the degen cost during the reverse control phase?

    There is no degen in that last 1% phase so you can use a reverse controls immune champ freely
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,290 Guardian
    edited November 2023

    Awesome. Congrats to you and the other sweaties who have cleared this content.

    Curious re: Wiccan. How many revives did the degen cost during the reverse control phase?

    You bring Wiccan for phase 4 where you aren't punished for reverse control immunity. Also the degen from phase 3 does 2% of current health, so it doesn't kill you if you play well.
  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★

    Awesome. Congrats to you and the other sweaties who have cleared this content.

    Curious re: Wiccan. How many revives did the degen cost during the reverse control phase?


    During the last phase you don't get degen for having a reverse control immune, that's only during the second phase where he takes off 2% of your current health per second, so that won't kill you.
    For that phase I just used Aegon and concentrated on reversing my controls
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★

    Pikolu said:

    Awesome. Congrats to you and the other sweaties who have cleared this content.

    Curious re: Wiccan. How many revives did the degen cost during the reverse control phase?

    You bring Wiccan for phase 4 where you aren't punished for reverse control immunity. Also the degen from phase 3 does 2% of current health, so it doesn't kill you if you play well.
    I learned quick that my Brain isn’t trained at all to handle reverse controls. First 2 phases I used 2 revives. Then last 1% I used 800 units worth. I somehow thought that the protection symbol was the indestructible, so I kept trying to intercept him lmao. And with aegon that was a nightmare.

    Would r4 juggs work for the last 2 phases?
    My brain kept over thinking the reverse controls.

    "Go the opposite of what you think you should do."
    "Ok cool, swipe left to dash in!"
    "Wait I think I should swipe left to dash but I know I have to do the opposite, so swipe right!"
    Fr I kept overthinking it. And once I kinda got the hang of it the last 1% threw my brain off even more.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Thanks for the replies. When I cleared the 6.4 GM, the only way I did it was with Prof X to handle the reverse control phase. I've tried to learn how to play that way, but my old man brain just won't rewire itself. So if/when I do Necro, I'll need to use someone who can ignore that. Hat tip to your folks who can just play around that mechanic.
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