Arena run to 15

What’s the best way to get to 15 in arenas now. Coming across rank 2 and 3 rank 7 stars where Thomas/ kang team would have appeared. I know people complained about too many arenas but seriously a 4-7 star has to be off putting to newer and developing players. I feel it’s time for arenas to have a rethink
(ie, every 3 streak # increase, you will face opponents of ALL 1 Rank higher than what opponents were 3 Streak #’s ago).
**relative to what your own champs Ranks are.
At some point, that exceeds the actual/available real-life opponent Max teams, and thus you then get Thanos/Kang teams.
And so as players start to get higher Ranked champs that you might then face in arena, you’ll be getting those higher opponents (instead of facing Thanos/Kang earlier like you might have in the past).
**one tip. Would be to use a mismatch of strength for your own 3 champs (as much of a mismatch as allowed by Star/Rank).
Such as 2 of your very strong champs, along with 1 of your absolute weakest (lowest Star/Rank) that is allowed in that Arena.
(mis-labeled as “sandbagging”, which it really isn’t, but anyways..)
That causes the “AVERAGE” of your 3 champs (which is what is used to find opponent) to be lower than if you used 3 equally strong champs.
You might then get a matchup against champs a couple ranks lower that what you otherwise might have faced.
Obviously, you can only potentially win 2 of the 3 fights (and no margin of error like you used to have with doing 3 possible fights), and the 3rd fight will basically be a lost cause (doesn’t matter, you just need to win 2 of 3, thus the use of the term “sandbag” as you’re basically knowingly forfeiting that 3rd fight).