I've officially used up all my luck with special paragon crystals

I decided to buy the 300 unit Chee'ilth paragon crystal from the black market iso store. I never expected to pull a 7* Kushala from it! My luck is all gone now for sure lol

Quick press the button to throw a light.
Swipe to the right to do a medium.
Hold to apply a strong.
Swipe quick to left and you will dex.
To block, when the rival is near press left on screen. He will be stunned.
When your bar fills to green , press the button and you will throw Special 1.
When orange, it will be Special 2.
For the Special 3, wait till the gauge be red.
If you have a Relic, wait till the blue button to fill ,press and your choosen relic will do some atttack on the rival.
Good luck