Speaking as someone who's done 4 paths with Kate and no Aegon, Aegon can do more fights.
Maybe if you have every other champ in the game at a level suitable for necropolis Kate is more deserving of the team spot, but otherwise Aegon will serve you better
well , in your first run , aegon might be the better choice since he will brute force through all champs , and since it is your first run , you might mess up against a few champs and the nodes too (the relics part is no joke , when to use it and get 6 more secs is useful). And he is good against GM too , cuz even if you won't make it to wounded phase , his incredible damage output will eventually take him down . From the 2nd path onwards , you will understand more about GM's kit and how the defender on the path you took and kate/shuri efficient playstyle will be more useful than aegon
Kate for the rest 5%
Maybe if you have every other champ in the game at a level suitable for necropolis Kate is more deserving of the team spot, but otherwise Aegon will serve you better