Free to Play Necropolis Journey with Aegon into Titania's path

Wanted to share my journey through Necropolis, since Im a free to play player, a really bad one since I dont grind arena that much, nor Incursions, dont really farm much revives either, but I think Im kinda skilled so I've still been able to keep it going, so if anyone else is a bad ftp player like me, here you have some "How would it look If I did that":
My team is mainly based on Aegon, max sig, 6* R4, since I had quite a bad luck with Skill class cats and I still lack a whole one.
The synergy members are Nick Fury, Heimdall, Odin and Proxima, I know Angela has an additional synergy with Heimdall but I think most of the revives are wasted on ramping up Aegon, and Proxima's combo protection its a nice way to avoid wasting even more of those, mainly because even if you can keep it going after getting hit, the Ankh stacks are still low, so probably you are just damned, so I think its more worth to keep Proxima instead of Angela even if you can get that fury due to the Heimdall synergy with her.
I have 28 Lvl 1 revives and 28 Lvl 2 revives.
First fight; Titania, I rerunned the quest till I was able to get the maximum hits, my max is 273, I could ramped it up a little more but I already had lost both the heavy protection and Proxima's and Heimdall's synergys, and at 2% didnt want to risk more.
I kept it like this, was able to reach around 175-200 hits in each revive, till I won the fight, so here we are at this point.
5 Lvl 1 revives so far in Titania's fight; 771 stacks on Aegon. I was thinking about using 5-6 revives so mission completed. Used a couple of Lvl 4 potions to keep it safer on the second and third try.
Im still trying to get Aegon to 999 stacks before killing Nick Fury and using any boosters, next fight is V. Arkus, Im not used to play vs him without Doom, so before using a couple of potions and fighting him, Im going to practice a little bit vs him on Duels and rewatch a couple runs of other people to see how Vision fight is done with Aegon.
Tomorrow there will be more info on Arkus fight, maybe you dont care, but this is my first try on long Everest Content, since back then I was not an endgame player to be able to even try LoL and Abyss, and when I became an "endgame" player those werent worth at all ("endgame" because there is still difference between my endgame and both tryhard ftp and whales).
Thanks y'all!
My team is mainly based on Aegon, max sig, 6* R4, since I had quite a bad luck with Skill class cats and I still lack a whole one.
The synergy members are Nick Fury, Heimdall, Odin and Proxima, I know Angela has an additional synergy with Heimdall but I think most of the revives are wasted on ramping up Aegon, and Proxima's combo protection its a nice way to avoid wasting even more of those, mainly because even if you can keep it going after getting hit, the Ankh stacks are still low, so probably you are just damned, so I think its more worth to keep Proxima instead of Angela even if you can get that fury due to the Heimdall synergy with her.
I have 28 Lvl 1 revives and 28 Lvl 2 revives.
First fight; Titania, I rerunned the quest till I was able to get the maximum hits, my max is 273, I could ramped it up a little more but I already had lost both the heavy protection and Proxima's and Heimdall's synergys, and at 2% didnt want to risk more.
I kept it like this, was able to reach around 175-200 hits in each revive, till I won the fight, so here we are at this point.
5 Lvl 1 revives so far in Titania's fight; 771 stacks on Aegon. I was thinking about using 5-6 revives so mission completed. Used a couple of Lvl 4 potions to keep it safer on the second and third try.
Im still trying to get Aegon to 999 stacks before killing Nick Fury and using any boosters, next fight is V. Arkus, Im not used to play vs him without Doom, so before using a couple of potions and fighting him, Im going to practice a little bit vs him on Duels and rewatch a couple runs of other people to see how Vision fight is done with Aegon.
Tomorrow there will be more info on Arkus fight, maybe you dont care, but this is my first try on long Everest Content, since back then I was not an endgame player to be able to even try LoL and Abyss, and when I became an "endgame" player those werent worth at all ("endgame" because there is still difference between my endgame and both tryhard ftp and whales).
Thanks y'all!
So, funny enough, all the revives I was able to afford on Titania's fight by being able to get to high combo hits were wasted finally on Vision Aarkus.
5 Lvl 2 Revives and 1 Lvl 1 Revive, so, basically, I got kinda unlucky with my man Aarkus since he decided to not use specials on half those fights, so 3 of those were basically SP3s, without any SP1 or SP2, just the SP3, so I started those 3 fights getting clapped, the main problem here is since I got only 771 charges on Titania, there were many left to be able to hit on block to taunt my mans specials, so till I got to 999 I kept getting clapped.
Anyway, the next two fights at least were pretty easy.
Omega Sentinel is an easy fight for me since there was a moment were I only matched her on BGs so fair enough I can dex her specials without much problem, didnt get stunned a single time neither, and the main problem was getting on block damage while rooted on the second hit on both SP1 and SP2, since a couple of times the distance between us was too close I couldnt time the dex properly, therefore, got clapped twice, so...
Yeah, 2 Lvl 2 Revives, not bad at all.
AirWalker, another family's friend, pretty easy fight, until he got to SP3 by mistake, and sadly, I didnt know that his SP3 means he will finish it with Galan's node active, so when I was about to solo him with 25% left, I got clapped.
But still, only had to spend 1 Lvl 1 Revive there.
I am now facing Captain Britain, a pretty easy fight, but I think the main problem is the node, since she as a defender is kinda weak, I happen to play reverted controls pretty well because back then, I think it was on Act 6, I had to do a lot of fights with them, I dont remember if it was a boss or just a path, but I have the muscle memory there and I practiced of Odin first on his Necropolis path to keep it fresh, but this time, It will have to wait till tomorrow.
(Also, used 3 Lvl 4 Potions for each revive on Aarkus fight, had to tank a fair amount of SP2s...)
So the amount spent for now are:
5 Lvl 1 Revives on Titania
5 Lvl 2 Revives and 1 Lvl 1 Revive on Aarkus, with 3 Lvl 4 pots for each revive spent.
2 Lvl 2 Revives on Omega Sentinel
1 Lvl 1 Revive on Air Walker.
assumehope you're saying you took two 40% revives to ramp up Aegon to 760 combo, which is a very good ramp up, and 65 total revives to complete the easy path, all grinded in-game which is a pretty good run.Because any other interpretation of what you are trying to say is too horrific to contemplate.
I'm currently grinding revives and units, hoping to take aegone to R5 before January to do a completion run.
If not R5 I will take him in as is at R4 and practice alot before I commit.
Yeah, easy defender, lame node, BUT, I was still able to do it pretty easily, It takes normally 1 or 2 revives but... I made a couple misstakes dexing her Sp1 twice so... Yeah
2 Lvl 2 Revives and 2 Lvl 1 Revives
Now its starting to get hard, Wiccan, I pretty much ignored the node, and I was doing pretty well, got to 50% in the first run till I noticed I couldnt keep trying to dex SP1 because he would regen way too much, so after switching to his SP2... Yeah, never dexed a single one so I got clapped a few times by them till I got the right timing.
For everyone having problems here, just knock him up when his passive timer is about to expire, you will avoid the incinerate effects and the neutralize.
So same as Cap Brit, 2 Lvl 2 Revives and 2 Lvl 1 Revives.
And now everyone's nightmare with Aegon, Psycho Boy, I started the fight by mistake without healing and got clapped immediately because I had like 1000 hp left, so I used one additional revive by mistake, so you take it into account.
Its a pretty easy fight if you do what he asks and you keep him on SP1, you cant solo him with Aegon because of the last Ankh stance, he becomes unblockeable so unless you healed enough, you will get clapped everytime you have to block, basically because you cant + all the hits you blocked earlier, you should be low in HP so yeah, another revive there, and as I said, I was in such hype that I took him into SP2 by mistake, which I didnt even remember, and got clapped one additional time, so... you can do this with one revive and a couple of health pots but I had to use 3.
2 Lvl 2 Revives and 1 Lvl 1 Revive.
The first path is finished, so only halfway to the GM, we shall continue!
1 Lvl 1 Revive and 1 Lvl 2 Revive on Guardian, its not hard to solo him.
Now, the worst fight by far after Aarkus, the damn Valk, goddamn, she clapped my cheeks like I was her Xmas gift, you have to get hit into block so she does not keep spamming specials nonstop, but for some reason she would come, hit my block, and instead of using any special, she would just stare at me so... Highly depending on the AI for this boss, the same way it happens with Aarkus.
Probably everybody already knows this but... Keep her doing SP2s, the fury pauses her perforation passive so you can play normally meanwhile, I happened to notice this halfway because thats the way I am.
She got 4 Lvl 2 revives and 2 Lvl 1 Revives with also all the potions I got left.
Next one was easy peezy, Red Guardian, as long as he does SP2s, its a solo, and it was a solo.
No revives here!
Cap Falcon
Its another pretty standar fight, keep him on Sp1 and you can solo him, I made a couple mistakes here since to make it faster I got hit to get the furies without noticing that his passive was active on me so he basically clapped me in a single hit twice due to that
1 Lvl 2 Revive and 1 Lvl 1 Revive here.
Now another big boy, Dragonman, so you have to both dex his SP2s, and get hit in block by only one hit of his SP1, this way he gets his Power buffs stopped by getting a fury and applying a debuff on you, which is the problem here? Pretty much the same as you have on Valk and Aarkus, the damn AI, he got twice to SP3 so I got clapped pretty bad twice getting only 10%, and got clappes twice also due to rooted specials, so... it should have been 2 revives but resulted in 4.
4 Lvl 2 Revives there.
So now another easy fight, Cap IW, its supposed to be a solo, but I have a problem here, the stage was awful, I dont know the name of it, I guess it is Asgard? There are a couple suns there in the middle of the stage, the damn suns were so annoying, too flashy, seriously, it was hard to stay focused because of those, so I got clapped twice because I ate an SP2 while closing one eye due to the suns, and another one while I hit on block while having the Conmotion debuff, so he comboed me back.
2 Lvl 1 Revives here, damn you, Suns.
And now, Nova, happens exactly the same as happened with Dragon Man, Valk and Aarkus, if he throws the special is done, if not, you get clapped, so he just destroyed me 5 times between SP3 and the node he has on that fight, its not hard, but its kinda random due to the AI...
5 Lvl 2 revives there.
AND NOW, the final boss, the Grand Master that has no Nameeeee, with only 10 Lvl 1 revives left!
So here I just went in without watching anything, first got clapped because I did not remember that I had to do heavys also, then got clapped twice because *Grand Master didnt say*, till I noticed it was Simon Says, so 3 revives so far, after noticing this stuff I just clapped his cheeks until the last parts of the fight.
Yeah, the damn reversed controls that alternate, damn, he clapped me badly, had to use another 4 revives there because I was making too much mistakes, still got him to the last phase, I noticed I had a team revive so I popped it and got a SP2 with Nick and a SP1 with Proxima, the last SP3 was my man, Aegon.
So Necropolis done, and I have a couple things to say, get Nick Fury out of the team and get a Reverse controls immune for the last paths, seriously.
And also, farm/buy more potions, some fights are a must potions-wise.
First Long Everest Content done and... it was so damn fun.
The count ends in 53 single revives, 28 being Lvl 2, 25 being Lvl 1, a good bunch of potions of all the levels, and a team revive.
It should have taken around 40 if played properly but I made some mistakes in a few fights so... THANKS EVERYONE THAT HAS REACHED THIS FAR!
The big question is, what did you pull from the rewards?!?
7* 2-> 3 Mutant Gem, one of my best pulls since I have both Bishop and Storm, so Bishop will be R3
7* Warlock from the Titan Crystal, It was my most wanted from the crystal so already worth the run!
7* Gorr from Cosmic Crystal since I wanted both Gorr and Venom, so another banger here!
7* Overseer from Science Crystal, I wanted Hulk and Titania, since I only have Morbius and Joe Fixit, Overseer is still decent but I already had him ranked up as a 6*, still not bad.
Relic was kind bad, awakened 6* Wolverine Relic
Im going to farm a bunch of revives more, farm a little bit of arena also to buy some, and go to the next path! I want to explore it before Xmas!
I hope you are able to get it done! I would practice a little bit vs each champ in Practice mode with some 3* vs 6*, dexing specials mainly, since most problems come with rooted special dexing! Good luck!
SP2 does not hit you not even on block if you are on the opposite side, and as soon as he was halfway to the Galan node I would just SP1, Striker into Heavy, or just Heavy if he had no power, when he starts to root just try to dodge SP1s, since if you are immediately next to him, is very easy to do, I used the revive with something like 5% left because he used SP3, and after that he has Galan node immediately, and he stacked another one so couldnt do anything, so I just quit and used a revive to finish the fight