The Road to Valiant - To Purchase or to Play

MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,062 ★★★★★
There’s been a lot of chatter on this forum and both of my alliances about spending to buy another 7r3 to complete Valiant versus using the units to complete the remaining 5 paths. I’m in the process of making the same decision and went through some thoughts to figure out my best method.

Having not attempted the non-Titania paths yet, I will assume 60 revives per path which seems to be a pretty standard number for mid-players without Karate Mike like skills. Under the assumption I’m buying all revives and not waiting to build them up or farm any, I’ll assume I need 300 total revives for the 5 paths. At 40 units each, we’re looking at 12,000 units or 4 Odins.

From those 12,000 units, the remaining 5 paths will yield:

2x 7* crystals
2x 6r5 gem
200 T2 dust

In addition, exploration rewards will give:

7* Maestro
7* Launch Pool Selector
Titan Crystal
7r2 gem
7r3 gem
3x 6* Relics

If I’m buying those units this week by purchasing 4 Odins, I’ll gain an additional:

2000 Titan shards
4x 7* crystals
1.6 t4a catalyst
8 million gold

That’s certainly a good haul for 12k units. Let’s look at going the purchasing route. I’m still getting the above bonus items plus the unit bundle items. To get to the needed 1.5 t4a here, I’ll purchase these bundles:

Advanced Summoner Bundle (to r5 and ascend Aegon or Kate)
Greater Summoner Bundle 2 (.5 t4a)
Greater Summoner Bundle 3 ( Cats and Dust)
Superior Summoner Bundle 2 (Full t4a)

These bundles will yield:

6r5 gem
200 T2 Dust
6 million gold
1.5 t4a
12,000 titan shards
4x t6cc selectors
6x t3a
6x t6b
3x t5cc
3x t6 iso selectors

Of course, the cost for these bundles will be 18k units, not the 12k the predicted Necropolis runs will take. If I don’t have an extra 6k on hand, that will cost me even more.

If I have the 12k units for Necropolis on hand, that will be decidedly cheaper than going the purchase route, as I’ll need to purchase the 4 Odins regardless of how many I already have on hand, in order to obtain the needed 1.5 t4a.

Another consideration is timing. Is there a reason to push right now, other than a Valiant Christmas gift and getting Valiant crystals sooner than later? If the Christmas gift is on the order of the CW valiant deal, it may not be worth rushing.

Another caveat to consider is if I cannot complete the runs in 60 revives each, increasing my overall unit spend. This may not be known until we go down the necro exploration path.

Value wise, the better outcome seems to be in exploring Necropolis. If I have units already, I’ll save some or all of the $400+ I’d spend on purchasing the 7r3. If there’s no anticipated rush, I can also take my time, earn some revives and lower my overall unit spend. If I’ve struggled in the grandmaster fight and don’t see taking him down 5 more times, it may impact the decision but overall it’s wiser (in my opinion and for me) to save some units and cash, and go the exploration route.


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,442 ★★★★★
    I won’t rushing might buy few deals and drop nerc for when I get ægon because I already realize i not super skilled with kate
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,062 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    I thought about it differently, even though I had similar thoughts. I am leaning towards exploration, but I am also going to take my time doing it. Because I'm in no rush, I am unlikely to have to spend any units on it, as I will have plenty of time to save up or farm up revives and potions. Therefore, I don't need any units for Necropolis, and I therefore do not need to choose between spending units on Necropolis exploration or buying Zemo deals or saving for Banquet.

    A lot of people have been asking the question: units for Necropolis, or units for Cyber? But I personally think it is worth taking one step backward and asking this question first: does Necropolis need units? If your intent is to finish it as quickly as possible and you're likely to need more than a handful of revives per run, you probably will need units because you won't have the time to save up a ton of them for each run. But if you don't need units for Necropolis, then that choice is moot and the choice then becomes Cyber or Banquet, not Cyber or Necropolis.

    Agreed. I don’t think there’s a need to rush it. It can be done unitless if you wait. If you have a desire to finish exploration tomorrow for some reason, the question of choosing this or that has more weight.
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,091 ★★★★
    Wait and farm.
  • ChrisPowellChrisPowell Member Posts: 159
    I'm not in a rush to hit valent. Figure I have 7 1/2 months before I will feel behind without the new title. I can probably farm revives casually and get necro cleared by then.

    I'll probably as by a few if these deals too
  • __SF____SF__ Member Posts: 308 ★★
    For some this is the opportunity to have THREE RANK 3s. Exploring and buying will do that
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,670 ★★★★★
    Spend on unit deals, pick and r3 shuri if you don't have one already, and slowly grind for revives for necropolis
  • ShivacruxShivacrux Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    __SF__ said:

    For some this is the opportunity to have THREE RANK 3s. Exploring and buying will do that

    And for one player ,this is 4
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,670 ★★★★★
    Shivacrux said:

    __SF__ said:

    For some this is the opportunity to have THREE RANK 3s. Exploring and buying will do that

    And for one player ,this is 4
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,829 ★★★★
    Not trying to be funny, not trying to get a laugh. Don’t want anybody to have the worst day at their job.

    But wouldn’t the game be boring with 7*r3?
    I think they pushed too far too fast.
  • EmomikeEmomike Member Posts: 251 ★★
    I'll play won't explore necropolis just wait for 8.4 to come out I'm not worried about the x-mas present
  • Vex PrimeVex Prime Member Posts: 260
    This is the torture you gotta go through to get Val? Good God I'ma be in for a long fun time.
  • Bron1Bron1 Member Posts: 275
    Great analysis ty, i would also advise you not rush and do some rev “farm” apc and daily quest and units too, question though, the bundles you referred to, do you mean the “anticipated” romance bundles and if so how do you know what the bundles are and their cost ?

  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,062 ★★★★★
    Bron1 said:

    Great analysis ty, i would also advise you not rush and do some rev “farm” apc and daily quest and units too, question though, the bundles you referred to, do you mean the “anticipated” romance bundles and if so how do you know what the bundles are and their cost ?


    This was originally posted during Cyber Weekend and was referring to the bundles in store that could give you an r3, with a second r3 coming from necro completion
  • Bron1Bron1 Member Posts: 275

    Bron1 said:

    Great analysis ty, i would also advise you not rush and do some rev “farm” apc and daily quest and units too, question though, the bundles you referred to, do you mean the “anticipated” romance bundles and if so how do you know what the bundles are and their cost ?


    This was originally posted during Cyber Weekend and was referring to the bundles in store that could give you an r3, with a second r3 coming from necro completion
    Lmao didnt even notice lol, ty
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,290 Guardian
    Vex Prime said:

    This is the torture you gotta go through to get Val? Good God I'ma be in for a long fun time.

    Weren't you leaving? Why are you necroing dead threads?
  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Vex Prime said:

    This is the torture you gotta go through to get Val? Good God I'ma be in for a long fun time.
    I thought you were a “plague to these forums” and you were never going to post here again?
  • JollyHawkJollyHawk Member Posts: 613 ★★★
    Wong_98 said:

    Vex Prime said:

    This is the torture you gotta go through to get Val? Good God I'ma be in for a long fun time.
    I thought you were a “plague to these forums” and you were never going to post here again?
    Have to get better antibiotics to fight this infection.
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