Kabam?? I think you guys made an oopsie in deals.

PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,587 ★★★★★
As everyone knows after the launch of Necropolis, the one and truly the saviour of players who just wanted to do completion run turned to be Aegon, yes there are other heroes much efficient to complete Necro but they can be frustrating and require somewhat of sharp top skills.

I just like many did not had privilege of 6* Aegon which is quite okay, not everyone can have every single hero but just an hour ago I opened the cyber deals, in hopes that we will get Aegon from champion selector, I clicked the offers, got happy that there's indeed a past era champion selector.

Only to be let down that there's no 2018 selector, Aegon was released in 2018, the deal combined will cost 7500 units, which I would've bought but turned out I'll be saving credit card for Banquet event.

I think Kabam really missed out on having their needy customers get their hands on Aegon, I'm myself disappointed, there's actually no point in not having 2016,2017,2018 etc etc bundles, there are many who like to collect, so on and on. Hoping for better in Banquet.


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