Can you please fix Spidey2099?

About 5 times now I've accidentally interrupted the startup of stupid S2099's stupid heavy because of the stupid reverse controls node which according to the stupid mechanic with his stupid resistances should mean said stupid resistances get cleared.
0/5 times has this happened. It's bad enough that some psychopath looked at a fight where you're constantly taking chip and said "half willpower op". The least you could do is make it so champs that aren't Aegon at least have a fighting chance.
It's too late for me, because I'm well aware that it's not going to be fixed today. But please, fix it for the people that follow in my footsteps.
0/5 times has this happened. It's bad enough that some psychopath looked at a fight where you're constantly taking chip and said "half willpower op". The least you could do is make it so champs that aren't Aegon at least have a fighting chance.
It's too late for me, because I'm well aware that it's not going to be fixed today. But please, fix it for the people that follow in my footsteps.
Where did you see anything about the gm?
they said the fight has reverse controls and halved will power regen, im pretty sure the only fight like that is nameless gm. might be wrong though
All of the necro has reduced willpower, and there are several reverse control fights in there