Missing mastery points (not linked to act 4)

Hi kabam,

I was just chatting to a friend about masteries as I’d just reached lvl 60, and had some spare.

When we counted up masteries I had

Offence 21 defence 17 utility 16 spare 3 - total of 57

My lvl 60 friend has

Offence 33 defence 20 utility 6 - total of 59.

I’m wondering if any error occurred due to the parry and dex mastery being auto assigned at the start? And then when reset it doesn’t give you points back maybe?

I started this account recently , so I do not think I was affected by act 4 as I did act 4 in one go I think, so got all the masteries as I completed.

Is there any way to work out where my missing 2 masteries are?

Thanks :)
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