Which 7* to R2?

Phillip14233Phillip14233 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
Just pulled warlock and duped overseer. But also have shuri who is great for necropolis, though i also have a R5 Ascended aegon for it. Thoughts on who to use my 1-2 gem on?

Which 7* to R2? 26 votes

Overseer (Awakened)
WhoDaPooCharlie2154013579rebel_Isisixkswmr 4 votes
TendersquadTP336HAVOC6INC_6 3 votes
zuffySIlverProfessorbm3eppsRayven5220PandingoAdri5846SaltE_Wenis69Trek26FerahgoBlackTuranThePredator1001Final_OrderSchnoodleLickyViper198787Doug555HulkbusternoImBeastModeEndGamePlayer_7 19 votes


  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,217 ★★★★
    First. Unlike aegon she's not just for necropolis. I desperately wanted mantis or bishop and still chose to dupe shuri over the latter in my selector. 2. Go shuri
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    Shuri is good for necropolis exploration at R1, especially if you’re using Ægon with her. a R2 might make it a bit easier, but a R2 warlock would be useful in so much more content (story quest, battlegrounds etc). i’m a little biased towards warlock (he was my second 6* and the one i got from completing 6.2), but honestly i think he’s worth the R2 over shuri, especially given that you already have a R5 ægon.
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