Why are 7* Odin’s buff = to the 6*

Heruzu369Heruzu369 Member Posts: 148 ★★
I’m not here to complain that this is game breaking or massive or anything of that magnitude; but I just can’t understand why Kabam would change the precedent already established with Odin’s lower rarities. Every rank of Odin has his pre fight buffs improved(even if by 1%) over the previous rank; however for 7* Odin, his pre fights are no different from his 6*… Im pretty confident this was definitely intentional but I just don’t understand why? Even the 4* has a 1% increase in their aptitude buff over their 3*, so why just stop? Feels weird and uncalled for idk. Maybe some communication as to why the decision was made when he released as a 7* would’ve been appropriate.
Like I said, this isn’t major or anything, but it’s one of those things that’s so small that it’s makes me question why Kabam felt the need to change the precedent


  • Heruzu369Heruzu369 Member Posts: 148 ★★

  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Because he was released before 7 stars came out, same reason why guardian's block prof synergy doesnt scale with the 7 star
  • Heruzu369Heruzu369 Member Posts: 148 ★★
    Zuro said:

    Because he was released before 7 stars came out, same reason why guardian's block prof synergy doesnt scale with the 7 star

    I had questioned that too but that still doesn’t really make sense from any perspective… developer or consumer. It’s not like Kabam is locked out of making any adjustments to champs released before 7*s… otherwise the whole rework of iron man wouldn’t have been possible no?
    The only way this makes sense, is if they were so lazy that they just wanted to copy and paste the 6* to the 7* without overlooking anything which is ridiculous to even say because they still got to do stat adjustments, so I just don’t get it.
  • Heruzu369Heruzu369 Member Posts: 148 ★★
    A new rarity isn’t an ascension so more than just the atk and Hp values should be looked at, which I’m sure they do, so why purposely gimp both Guardian and Odin?
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Heruzu369 said:

    Zuro said:

    Because he was released before 7 stars came out, same reason why guardian's block prof synergy doesnt scale with the 7 star

    I had questioned that too but that still doesn’t really make sense from any perspective… developer or consumer. It’s not like Kabam is locked out of making any adjustments to champs released before 7*s… otherwise the whole rework of iron man wouldn’t have been possible no?
    The only way this makes sense, is if they were so lazy that they just wanted to copy and paste the 6* to the 7* without overlooking anything which is ridiculous to even say because they still got to do stat adjustments, so I just don’t get it.
    It makes perfect sense though, if they keep updating it per star level it would get too OP. For example it would mean that the 7 star version of Odin could make any champ shock immune which i highly doubt Kabam wants. They hard-capped it at the 6 star values because down the line when 8 stars and 9 stars come, odin's buff would be so OP with things like 5% protection, insane apititude boost, etc.
  • Heruzu369Heruzu369 Member Posts: 148 ★★
    Zuro said:

    Heruzu369 said:

    Zuro said:

    Because he was released before 7 stars came out, same reason why guardian's block prof synergy doesnt scale with the 7 star

    I had questioned that too but that still doesn’t really make sense from any perspective… developer or consumer. It’s not like Kabam is locked out of making any adjustments to champs released before 7*s… otherwise the whole rework of iron man wouldn’t have been possible no?
    The only way this makes sense, is if they were so lazy that they just wanted to copy and paste the 6* to the 7* without overlooking anything which is ridiculous to even say because they still got to do stat adjustments, so I just don’t get it.
    It makes perfect sense though, if they keep updating it per star level it would get too OP. For example it would mean that the 7 star version of Odin could make any champ shock immune which i highly doubt Kabam wants. They hard-capped it at the 6 star values because down the line when 8 stars and 9 stars come, odin's buff would be so OP with things like 5% protection, insane apititude boost, etc.

    LMFAOOOOOO WOAHHH slow your roll there buddy, we just got 7*s this year and you’re saying they gimping champs now cause of future 8 and 9 star rarities? That’s pretty nonsensical and kinda highlights how ridiculous(tho not major) it is to purposely release champs gimped. I’m not gonna say “nerfed” but definitely gimped because they’re holding certain aspects(big aspects in guardian and odin case) to a 6* power level.
    I purposely mentioned the 1% increase from the 3-4* to explicitly show how handled that potential problem before.
    It could’ve been:
    Aptitude-2% increase to 17%
    Protection- 2-3% decrease to 12-13%hp capped
    Shock- 2-5% increase to 92-95% resistance. Just for that lilll bit more healing off willpower
    Just to follow the precedent THEY established. No one In the community that I saw was asking for outrageous values
    And the argument of 100% shock resistance being OP and 90% being reasonable has always been funny to me cause 90% is essentially the same thing as Omega Red getting a bleed on him… Odin buff already turned it to willpower! A small increase in willpower isn’t breaking the game but definitely goes a long way.
    AND this isn’t entirely new cause you can get 100% bleed resistance with some champs and mastery(Omega red for example)
    Going forward with other champs, this “small issue” can be potentially grow since Guardian and Odin are the only ones I know of so far affected by this
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Heruzu369 said:

    Zuro said:

    Heruzu369 said:

    Zuro said:

    Because he was released before 7 stars came out, same reason why guardian's block prof synergy doesnt scale with the 7 star

    I had questioned that too but that still doesn’t really make sense from any perspective… developer or consumer. It’s not like Kabam is locked out of making any adjustments to champs released before 7*s… otherwise the whole rework of iron man wouldn’t have been possible no?
    The only way this makes sense, is if they were so lazy that they just wanted to copy and paste the 6* to the 7* without overlooking anything which is ridiculous to even say because they still got to do stat adjustments, so I just don’t get it.
    It makes perfect sense though, if they keep updating it per star level it would get too OP. For example it would mean that the 7 star version of Odin could make any champ shock immune which i highly doubt Kabam wants. They hard-capped it at the 6 star values because down the line when 8 stars and 9 stars come, odin's buff would be so OP with things like 5% protection, insane apititude boost, etc.

    LMFAOOOOOO WOAHHH slow your roll there buddy, we just got 7*s this year and you’re saying they gimping champs now cause of future 8 and 9 star rarities? That’s pretty nonsensical and kinda highlights how ridiculous(tho not major) it is to purposely release champs gimped. I’m not gonna say “nerfed” but definitely gimped because they’re holding certain aspects(big aspects in guardian and odin case) to a 6* power level.
    I purposely mentioned the 1% increase from the 3-4* to explicitly show how handled that potential problem before.
    It could’ve been:
    Aptitude-2% increase to 17%
    Protection- 2-3% decrease to 12-13%hp capped
    Shock- 2-5% increase to 92-95% resistance. Just for that lilll bit more healing off willpower
    Just to follow the precedent THEY established. No one In the community that I saw was asking for outrageous values
    And the argument of 100% shock resistance being OP and 90% being reasonable has always been funny to me cause 90% is essentially the same thing as Omega Red getting a bleed on him… Odin buff already turned it to willpower! A small increase in willpower isn’t breaking the game but definitely goes a long way.
    AND this isn’t entirely new cause you can get 100% bleed resistance with some champs and mastery(Omega red for example)
    Going forward with other champs, this “small issue” can be potentially grow since Guardian and Odin are the only ones I know of so far affected by this
    Comparing this to Omega Red makes no sense, his resistance only works for himself just like a regular chanp being immune to bleed, etc. Although with Odin he can make ANY champ immune to shock if they buff the 7 star values. The reason why 90% isnt OP is because theyre are numerous nodes that increase shock damage by a certain %, or champs with high attack values that can still deal solid shock damage despite the resistance so its somewhat balanced.

    They are not "gimped" if they were never even built to be the way you envisioned them to be to begin with.

    This whole thing is such a non-issue because if Guardian and Odin werent released as a 7 stars, people would still be using the 6 star versions with no complaints.

    I obviously know 8 and 9 stars arent coming any time soon, im simply saying if they keep constantly updating their kit per star level eventually they'll be nothing to upgrade so they set a soft cap.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Zuro said:

    Heruzu369 said:

    Zuro said:

    Heruzu369 said:

    Zuro said:

    Because he was released before 7 stars came out, same reason why guardian's block prof synergy doesnt scale with the 7 star

    I had questioned that too but that still doesn’t really make sense from any perspective… developer or consumer. It’s not like Kabam is locked out of making any adjustments to champs released before 7*s… otherwise the whole rework of iron man wouldn’t have been possible no?
    The only way this makes sense, is if they were so lazy that they just wanted to copy and paste the 6* to the 7* without overlooking anything which is ridiculous to even say because they still got to do stat adjustments, so I just don’t get it.
    It makes perfect sense though, if they keep updating it per star level it would get too OP. For example it would mean that the 7 star version of Odin could make any champ shock immune which i highly doubt Kabam wants. They hard-capped it at the 6 star values because down the line when 8 stars and 9 stars come, odin's buff would be so OP with things like 5% protection, insane apititude boost, etc.

    LMFAOOOOOO WOAHHH slow your roll there buddy, we just got 7*s this year and you’re saying they gimping champs now cause of future 8 and 9 star rarities? That’s pretty nonsensical and kinda highlights how ridiculous(tho not major) it is to purposely release champs gimped. I’m not gonna say “nerfed” but definitely gimped because they’re holding certain aspects(big aspects in guardian and odin case) to a 6* power level.
    I purposely mentioned the 1% increase from the 3-4* to explicitly show how handled that potential problem before.
    It could’ve been:
    Aptitude-2% increase to 17%
    Protection- 2-3% decrease to 12-13%hp capped
    Shock- 2-5% increase to 92-95% resistance. Just for that lilll bit more healing off willpower
    Just to follow the precedent THEY established. No one In the community that I saw was asking for outrageous values
    And the argument of 100% shock resistance being OP and 90% being reasonable has always been funny to me cause 90% is essentially the same thing as Omega Red getting a bleed on him… Odin buff already turned it to willpower! A small increase in willpower isn’t breaking the game but definitely goes a long way.
    AND this isn’t entirely new cause you can get 100% bleed resistance with some champs and mastery(Omega red for example)
    Going forward with other champs, this “small issue” can be potentially grow since Guardian and Odin are the only ones I know of so far affected by this
    Comparing this to Omega Red makes no sense, his resistance only works for himself just like a regular chanp being immune to bleed, etc. Although with Odin he can make ANY champ immune to shock if they buff the 7 star values. The reason why 90% isnt OP is because theyre are numerous nodes that increase shock damage by a certain %, or champs with high attack values that can still deal solid shock damage despite the resistance so its somewhat balanced.

    They are not "gimped" if they were never even built to be the way you envisioned them to be to begin with.

    This whole thing is such a non-issue because if Guardian and Odin werent released as a 7 stars, people would still be using the 6 star versions with no complaints.

    I obviously know 8 and 9 stars arent coming any time soon, im simply saying if they keep constantly updating their kit per star level eventually they'll be nothing to upgrade so they set a soft cap.
    Expect the same thing when Galan eventually releases as a 7 star and they cap his DOT resistance from the herald crossfight
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    i 1000% support this post and kabam should adjust/increase the numbers from 7* Odin prefights.
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Call me crazy, but I don't see eight star champions or nine star champions or ten star champions ever being a thing in this game. It will be long dead before that ever happens.
  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 485 ★★★

    Call me crazy, but I don't see eight star champions or nine star champions or ten star champions ever being a thing in this game. It will be long dead before that ever happens.

    Many said so about 6 & 7 stars and we got them both. I think 8* would be a hint by now if they didn't delay 7* during the pandemic.
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