Necropolis first run

2600 units, 800 4 hr crystals and 20 odd revives. R4 200 Aegon. No shuri. Should I run initial necropolis, or wait for the banquets to end?
Is it better to invest 3k in the banquets in the current stage of the game? Please share any opinion you've got.
Thanks in advance.
Is it better to invest 3k in the banquets in the current stage of the game? Please share any opinion you've got.
Thanks in advance.
For those amount of units, it’s probably safer to just spend the units to get the last banquet event solo milestone and nothing more. Then farm Arena as much as possible up until early Jan and then give it a try for the community rewards. Maybe even have enough to R5 Aegon.
At least that is my plan.
But you’ll want to hit it before January 15th for bonus rewards if you can. Try to do both?
At the *very* least I would recommend trying to fill inventory with L2 revives (20), fill inventory with L1 revives (20), and then farm Apothecary leading up to your run (which should allow you to get at least 14 in stash before they start to expire). That's 54 revives at the start, 34 more than what you have now, which would potentially save you 34 * 40 = 1360 units of revives.
L1 revives recover less health than L2 revives, but if you plan on opening a lot of four hour crystals you're going to be swimming in health potions (along with energy).
Plus 700 free crystals. Enough for the initial run with R4 Aegon?