Perceived Slights

So i have played this game for about the last 10 months and largely stay out of the hurt feelings arguments on here, but, its getting ridiculous at this point...
Kabam is in the business of making money 1st and foremost, everyone does not have to agree with this statement but its not going to change the fact that its the reality. Im not sure they would openly admit they agree, due to the fear of being something other than neutral, but they know they agree... Honestly, the revive situation needed to be adjusted because EVERYONE can just revive their way through it for free without spending "some" money and face it, they have to pay the developers on staff that made the content, so there must be some kind of pathway to recoup their investment and turn a profit. It dosent have to be "fair" to you, it doesnt have to be "ok" to you, its their product and they are free to do with it as they choose... AND thats literally the point of the Everest content (again even if they don't want to admit it). The players complaining that its not fair to them because they cant play the game 100% for free anymore and complete the Everest content, again refer to the first statement in this paragraph... if you cannot see this is a plain as day point here, you just may live in a fantasy world where everything is free and everything has to be acceptable in your eyes and from your perspective, but that is not reality and reality is not the same.
Its awesome that there are players out there that can do the Everest content with little to no investment, and i think they are part of what drives the community to attempt to achieve those results too. Most of us cannot though, and we are the customer base that they rely on to keep the game profitable enough to stay alive and keep it engaging and interesting. If you are complaining about the revive rebalancing from an entitlement perspective, then you are on the outside of consideration, you are not the voice that gets heard, you are just noise in the room.
The developers are engaging and transparent, which is more than i can say about a lot of other games out there with large communities that just take dollars and stay silent.
and im not gonna say i dont have complaints about stuff, i do, but i am not an entitled person that thinks Kabam owes me anything or that i should be able to exploit the content without revision.
Kabam is in the business of making money 1st and foremost, everyone does not have to agree with this statement but its not going to change the fact that its the reality. Im not sure they would openly admit they agree, due to the fear of being something other than neutral, but they know they agree... Honestly, the revive situation needed to be adjusted because EVERYONE can just revive their way through it for free without spending "some" money and face it, they have to pay the developers on staff that made the content, so there must be some kind of pathway to recoup their investment and turn a profit. It dosent have to be "fair" to you, it doesnt have to be "ok" to you, its their product and they are free to do with it as they choose... AND thats literally the point of the Everest content (again even if they don't want to admit it). The players complaining that its not fair to them because they cant play the game 100% for free anymore and complete the Everest content, again refer to the first statement in this paragraph... if you cannot see this is a plain as day point here, you just may live in a fantasy world where everything is free and everything has to be acceptable in your eyes and from your perspective, but that is not reality and reality is not the same.
Its awesome that there are players out there that can do the Everest content with little to no investment, and i think they are part of what drives the community to attempt to achieve those results too. Most of us cannot though, and we are the customer base that they rely on to keep the game profitable enough to stay alive and keep it engaging and interesting. If you are complaining about the revive rebalancing from an entitlement perspective, then you are on the outside of consideration, you are not the voice that gets heard, you are just noise in the room.
The developers are engaging and transparent, which is more than i can say about a lot of other games out there with large communities that just take dollars and stay silent.
and im not gonna say i dont have complaints about stuff, i do, but i am not an entitled person that thinks Kabam owes me anything or that i should be able to exploit the content without revision.