Reporting a bug on Wong, as a War attacker.

Dear team,
Using my 7* Wong in the latest war, the bug I came across is that the chosen preflight blessing, does not activate. This happened on 2 separate fights, different nodes (of course). On the first time I faced Gorr (no recording available) and on the second fight I faced Maestro (recording submitted). I would appreciate of the team could look into this.
Devise used: iPhone 11.
Thanks in advance.
Using my 7* Wong in the latest war, the bug I came across is that the chosen preflight blessing, does not activate. This happened on 2 separate fights, different nodes (of course). On the first time I faced Gorr (no recording available) and on the second fight I faced Maestro (recording submitted). I would appreciate of the team could look into this.

Devise used: iPhone 11.
Thanks in advance.