Necropolis Team

Doing Necropolis soon, and going with Aegon as my main Guy!
Is this the team i should go for, or should i switch Odin for maybe Nick or Absorbing man?

Is this the team i should go for, or should i switch Odin for maybe Nick or Absorbing man?

I was thinking about the same question because Odin can also be used for fights, but are you running suicides after the Aegon ramp?
Because if so, Odin won't be usable for any fights unless you switch back and forth between suicides and non suicides.
And Proxima is just for the synergy? If I have a 5* unduped as my highest version is that fine?
I’m asking cause I just got Ægon duped, and I have stones to throw, so also very interested in this combination.
I'll be running suicides after ramp up so my debate now is between fury for the extra attack or maybe my r4 ascended abs man for the cosmic fights.
Still up in the air with my decision, but I have a feeling I may just go with fury for extra attack and smash my way through it, haha
I completed my first run about 6 hours ago. I also debated between NF and Odin. I went with NF for general attack boost, but I cannot say who is a better option.