As for path 5, you can use your whole team on Mantis, you do a certain amount of damage per action independent of your attack. Also in one of her phases you need to hit her block so with aegon unblockable you can't do damage there.
As for the team, i used odin to prefight my aegon and wiccan for the reverese controls. The reverse controls in the first half of the path didn't really bother me plus you actually learn to play it better, mayb helpful for future content.
So basically i did all fights with aegon with odin prefights except mantis, and covered the reversed control ony for last phase of GM.
Path 3 i remember storm x being a pain with the glancing, but aegon still can handle her with a couple revives, i didn't bring anyone for airwalker which was a mistak but you have wong and abs man so should be fine, tho i don't know abs man and what he does at all.
Path 2 was quite painful for me with the trap node where you get damage back when opponent is against the wall, i did some fights with shuri there, esp namor and attuma, but i am not the best shuri player so it took a while.
All other fights are doable pretty good with aegon.
I actually learned to evade some sp which i couldn't dex before, like nova sp2 or Spidey supreme or FAM, so all in all an awesome content with great rewars compared to the effort.
Curious how your last 3 paths go, keep us updated! Good luck bro
As for the team, i used odin to prefight my aegon and wiccan for the reverese controls. The reverse controls in the first half of the path didn't really bother me plus you actually learn to play it better, mayb helpful for future content.
So basically i did all fights with aegon with odin prefights except mantis, and covered the reversed control ony for last phase of GM.
Path 3 i remember storm x being a pain with the glancing, but aegon still can handle her with a couple revives, i didn't bring anyone for airwalker which was a mistak but you have wong and abs man so should be fine, tho i don't know abs man and what he does at all.
Path 2 was quite painful for me with the trap node where you get damage back when opponent is against the wall, i did some fights with shuri there, esp namor and attuma, but i am not the best shuri player so it took a while.
All other fights are doable pretty good with aegon.
I actually learned to evade some sp which i couldn't dex before, like nova sp2 or Spidey supreme or FAM, so all in all an awesome content with great rewars compared to the effort.
Curious how your last 3 paths go, keep us updated! Good luck bro