Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Is it possible to turn the camera movement off when fighting in the Stark Bldg rooftop?

I don’t know why this design is good at all.
This STUPID camera movement happens when you dash FWD/BWD pass thru the middle point. I got hit so many times when trying to dash back/dex the defender’s attack but I failed to see the defender’s movement as it was exactly on the spot that the Avenger Logo popped to its highest point.
For example, I was fighting Hulk in TB EQ 1.1 earlier, it’s a long fight and Hulk was hitting hard, dex-ing became a very important defence move for me. Unfortunately, I got hit/chipped exactly by Hulk when he was behind that Avenger logo, not once but several times, he killed my champs w just one punch (maybe in a combo).
I think, there was a similar arena old set like this too, but that was not as annoying as this one.
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