Is it possible to turn the camera movement off when fighting in the Stark Bldg rooftop?

I don’t know why this design is good at all.
This STUPID camera movement happens when you dash FWD/BWD pass thru the middle point. I got hit so many times when trying to dash back/dex the defender’s attack but I failed to see the defender’s movement as it was exactly on the spot that the Avenger Logo popped to its highest point.
For example, I was fighting Hulk in TB EQ 1.1 earlier, it’s a long fight and Hulk was hitting hard, dex-ing became a very important defence move for me. Unfortunately, I got hit/chipped exactly by Hulk when he was behind that Avenger logo, not once but several times, he killed my champs w just one punch (maybe in a combo).
I think, there was a similar arena old set like this too, but that was not as annoying as this one.