Me, I would go Hulkling and Ham, but there are lots of other good options in there. Galan, QS, Scorp, Gorr, She Hulk, Titania, S2099 would all be on my list of candidates.
She-Hulk is a solid utility piece with decent damage, and can shut down evade, unstoppable, and regen; Angela hits very hard and does super well with the Thor Relic, though she needs the sig for her utility. Spider-Ham is the best power sting champ in the game, and it’s just fun watching your opponent lose half or more of their healthbar when they use a special. I know Galan and Gorr are tricky defenders, haven’t used them on offense though.
(And of course you have the SS+ Beyond Ultra God Tier champion, Groot)
(And of course you have the SS+ Beyond Ultra God Tier champion, Groot)
I’d also take Angela up as soon as you can awaken her. Max sig Angela can handle a lot of annoying things and max sigging a 7* will be a ways off.
I love my 7* gamora but I still don’t think I’d rank my 6* over Hulkling or Angela.