Battlegrounds Matchmaking System is Atrocious if You Are at Top Places

BeroManBeroMan Member Posts: 286 ★★★★
I know that this problem only concerns several people so I am not expecting much support but I just wanted to say that personally I have horrible matchmaking experience in Battlegrounds. Players who are constantly Celes 4 and above can also agree with this. Sometimes it takes hours to find any single match because matchmaking only works plus or minus 200 points, if you go high at points there are only several people who you can match and also we have a cooldown on matching the same person for good reasons. This causes a very negative experience. I also have a YouTube channel and like to stream Battlegrounds but most times I cannot because no one wants to watch the matchmaking screen all the time.

An easy solution for this problem would be to remove 200 points matchmaking system for the Celestial level, if you are at Celestial 6 (or at least Celestial 5) you should able to match Celestial 1 regardless of point differences, just keep the max and min points margin for win and loss, which currently is 23 points for a loss and 7 points for the win. Many people at the Celestial 6 level have a better and stronger roster than me for example so it won't cause any unfair situation.

I also will send this message to Kabam support directly as a suggestion and request but I also wanted to open it here maybe some Kabam employees will see it makes suggestions to people who can change the current system.


  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    i watched your stream sometimes , and hell , waiting for queueing was a nightmare.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,175 ★★★★★
    I dont know how C6 players would feel if this happens but Kabam definitely needs to do something about the absurd queue times
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    BeroMan said:

    An easy solution for this problem would be to remove 200 points matchmaking system for the Celestial level, if you are at Celestial 6 (or at least Celestial 5) you should able to match Celestial 1 regardless of point differences, just keep the max and min points margin for win and loss, which currently is 23 points for a loss and 7 points for the win. Many people at the Celestial 6 level have a better and stronger roster than me for example so it won't cause any unfair situation.

    The only way to speed up matching making is by widening the match range: that's simply the only possible option. However, the problem with doing so is that it creates mismatches by definition. The only way a match that is 300 rating points apart could not be a mismatch would be if the rating system itself was completely broken, which is a completely different issue.

    Because of that, the wider you match, the worse the point differential will have to become. In ELO and ELO-like systems, the point differential is calculated based on the rating difference, on the presumption the rating system reasonably measures the statistical likelihood of winning. So if you start matching players 250 or 300 or more rating points lower, your rating increase for a win will automatically drop, and your rating decrease for a loss will automatically increase significantly. If the devs cap those arbitrarily while continuing to widen the match criteria, you'll get runaway ratings increases at the top, because higher rated players will be winning at higher rates while avoiding the counterbalancing ratings loss for the increasingly less common losses.

    If this happens, this could make players at the top more gun-shy about even trying to match, because one unlucky match with too low of a player could ruin their rating. But as I said, putting guardrails in to prevent this creates an unavoidable runaway rating problem.
  • AbaddonoumAbaddonoum Member Posts: 1
  • PhilipEPhilipE Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2023
    Sounds fair. U have to win >3x the amount vs lower rank players to stay ahead. If the skill gap is that wide even with variance from draft rng and potentially having a less developed roster than the lower rank, it seems like a reasonable suggestion. Of course the 3x win rate would be for the biggest gap of rating.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,175 ★★★★★
    BeroMan said:

    ahmynuts said:

    I dont know how C6 players would feel if this happens but Kabam definitely needs to do something about the absurd queue times

    Well, they can gain 23 points if they win, and if they lose only lose 7 points so not much of risk for them.
    Yeah I'm just imagining them turning into the babies that cry about unfair matchmaking in the victory track lol
  • IllumiIllumi Member Posts: 10
    With you on this one (I’m nowhere near your lvl 🤣) haha
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    I'd be fine facing Bero, it's not unfair just because he is in a higher tier. Even if I lose a few trophies, I'll get over it.
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