Aegon Titania ramp up questions

Sorry if it’s a simple question, but for those who have done the Necropolis, how much combo did you aim to bank with Aegon per revive used against Titania? Trying to start a run, but I’m not sure how much combo I should try and bank on my first run before feeling like it was good enough to start using revives, thanks for any advice!
Personally I've got a combo of 300 hits, and then used revives
Revive. Banked combo (75% of previous fight)
1 110
2 230
3 355
4 422
5 492
6 566
7 646
If I got clipped (happened way more often than not) and combo shield went up from proxima I usually just quit out right there and went in again..
Don't get greedy. I did a couple times after my combo shield went up, continued to fight, got smacked once and wasted a revive and potions getting me zero combo, and it nearly happened again shortly after that.
If you slip up at 40 hits, who cares, quit out. Taking 30 hits to the next go is better than zero! Eventually you'll get him to 999.
Somehow I banked just over 800 on titania,.Still unsure how that happened, but I was happy with it!
Also I've seen alot of players ranked Aegon and then starting the run. I left him unranked & once reaching 999 combos, i then ranked him and finished off the Titania fight. This way he was fully ramped when entering the Aarkus fight.
Reality is, you will die. Waiting for perfect circumstances to start your run means you will find reasons not to start it at all.
Perfection is the enemy of progress.
You will use revives and get 0 combo banked, other times you will put 150 down and not even realise.
Go for it!