Taskmaster new god teir?

Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
As I hope some of you know already, this months new champs have been leaked as Taskmaster, Modok and Sentry. Seatin posted a vid showing taskmasters abilities and to be very honest, he seems like he will be best champ in the game..... I joke you not he seems like better then all other champs predicted to be god tiers, and if hes a science it will be a first


  • mwhitakermwhitaker Member Posts: 18
    Wordy12 wrote: »
    As I hope some of you know already, this months new champs have been leaked as Taskmaster, Modok and Sentry. Seatin posted a vid showing taskmasters abilities and to be very honest, he seems like he will be best champ in the game..... I joke you not he seems like better then all other champs predicted to be god tiers, and if hes a science it will be a first

    pretty sure he will be a skill champ, modok should be science though
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    You forgot Void.
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    I think he should be science because the only reason he has his powers Is because of a scientific serum
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    Now they like have to add red skull 100%
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    I did, but void is basically sentry and its dumb that void is even his/her own champion, sentry should have a void form that increases attack and activates every special attack or something
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    You don't have confirmation on their abilities yet. The leaked info is a rumor

    the leaked info hasn't failed for like 2 months now
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    MODOK is going to be 100% tech, he sits on a flying chair that farts our fire
  • theshiznit05theshiznit05 Member Posts: 107
    Taskmaster is going to be really really good. I'm guessing he's going to definitely be a defensive champ.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Wordy12 wrote: »
    MODOK is going to be 100% tech, he sits on a flying chair that farts our fire

    Actually a video on the official MCOC facebook indicates that MODOK is a Science champ. it might be wrong though
  • NeowantsyouNeowantsyou Member Posts: 198 ★★
    Modok is confirmed science, in the new MCOC video on YouTube. Happy times!
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    I guess farting fire can be considered scientific
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    You don't have confirmation on their abilities yet. The leaked info is a rumor

    JJW has datamined it, and you can too. It's literally in the game files.

  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    Lol if you look on kabam facebook theres a super short vid showing some of the newer champs and modok is in there,
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★

    From the kabam post he is skill
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    irk, with these new modok labs I'm going for taskmaster as a 5 star when he comes back when you get him in the callender
  • Wordy12Wordy12 Member Posts: 208
    it will be my first 5 star featured :neutral:
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Datamined abilities aren’t always right, and you can’t determine how good they are without the actual numbers in there anyway. Plus he’s skill.

    Hope he’s good though, like the character a lot.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    I'm thinking of going for him as my first featured 5-star champion :smiley:
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    You don't have confirmation on their abilities yet. The leaked info is a rumor

    JJW has datamined it, and you can too. It's literally in the game files.

    You're advocating datamining? You know that's technically stealing information, right?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    I try to stay away from the whole idea of God Tier Champs. The God Tier no longer exists. I'm looking forward to seeing them, though. It's been requested for ages that a new Science Champ be released, so I'm predicting a push for at least M.O.D.O.K.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    I try to stay away from the whole idea of God Tier Champs. The God Tier no longer exists. I'm looking forward to seeing them, though. It's been requested for ages that a new Science Champ be released, so I'm predicting a push for at least M.O.D.O.K.

    God Tier does exist...

    Star-Lord, Archangel, Iceman, Gwenpool, Blade, Voodoo, Stark Spidey, Magik, etc.

    I mean, you only have 2 rank 5 4 stars, GP being one of them. Watch how she can take a hit at level 99, even as a 4*. Once you get on of those mentioned in high sig, as a rank 4 5*, you'll see God Tier all over again. Trust me.

    First of all, I didn't say what I did and did not have.
    Secondly, the God Tier no longer exists. There are Champs people prefer over others, but the entire "God Tier" mentality is not something I subscribe to. That's why we have over 100 Champs in the mix, and people only care about the same few.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    I try to stay away from the whole idea of God Tier Champs. The God Tier no longer exists. I'm looking forward to seeing them, though. It's been requested for ages that a new Science Champ be released, so I'm predicting a push for at least M.O.D.O.K.

    God Tier does exist...

    Star-Lord, Archangel, Iceman, Gwenpool, Blade, Voodoo, Stark Spidey, Magik, etc.

    I mean, you only have 2 rank 5 4 stars, GP being one of them. Watch how she can take a hit at level 99, even as a 4*. Once you get on of those mentioned in high sig, as a rank 4 5*, you'll see God Tier all over again. Trust me.

    First of all, I didn't say what I did and did not have.
    Secondly, the God Tier no longer exists. There are Champs people prefer over others, but the entire "God Tier" mentality is not something I subscribe to. That's why we have over 100 Champs in the mix, and people only care about the same few.

    Huh? So, you don't care whether you get a spider-gwen | luke cage | groot | etc. vs a SL | stark | blade | etc. for your next 5*? I am so confused... God tier exists more than ever, and the champs required to beat the hardest content in the game are part of the "meta".

    Baby's-first RPG?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    Drummer16 wrote: »
    I try to stay away from the whole idea of God Tier Champs. The God Tier no longer exists. I'm looking forward to seeing them, though. It's been requested for ages that a new Science Champ be released, so I'm predicting a push for at least M.O.D.O.K.

    God Tier does exist...

    Star-Lord, Archangel, Iceman, Gwenpool, Blade, Voodoo, Stark Spidey, Magik, etc.

    I mean, you only have 2 rank 5 4 stars, GP being one of them. Watch how she can take a hit at level 99, even as a 4*. Once you get on of those mentioned in high sig, as a rank 4 5*, you'll see God Tier all over again. Trust me.

    First of all, I didn't say what I did and did not have.
    Secondly, the God Tier no longer exists. There are Champs people prefer over others, but the entire "God Tier" mentality is not something I subscribe to. That's why we have over 100 Champs in the mix, and people only care about the same few.

    Huh? So, you don't care whether you get a spider-gwen | luke cage | groot | etc. vs a SL | stark | blade | etc. for your next 5*? I am so confused... God tier exists more than ever, and the champs required to beat the hardest content in the game are part of the "meta".

    Baby's-first RPG?

    Do I care? No. I make use of whatever Champs I get one way or another. Yes, some Champs have specific uses. Doesn't make a difference to me. I don't get upset about rolls because I don't invest in that mentality. That's the point I'm making. The whole idea that there is only the "Top Tier" that matters, and the rest is ****, isn't something on my radar. Am I aware of the Champs people call God Tier? Yes. Do I have Champs that I push for? Yes. Will I sit on T4CCs until they expire because I won't Rank anything but the God Tier? Never. This ain't my first RPG. I just don't follow collective value systems and harbor discontent for anything outside of that. Now, the point I was making was the God Tier used to refer to a specific set of Champs that have been altered, along with 12.0 and CR/DR. They no longer exist.
  • ChitlinsChitlins Member Posts: 164 ★★
    Drummer16 wrote: »
    I try to stay away from the whole idea of God Tier Champs. The God Tier no longer exists. I'm looking forward to seeing them, though. It's been requested for ages that a new Science Champ be released, so I'm predicting a push for at least M.O.D.O.K.

    God Tier does exist...

    Star-Lord, Archangel, Iceman, Gwenpool, Blade, Voodoo, Stark Spidey, Magik, etc.

    I mean, you only have 2 rank 5 4 stars, GP being one of them. Watch how she can take a hit at level 99, even as a 4*. Once you get on of those mentioned in high sig, as a rank 4 5*, you'll see God Tier all over again. Trust me.

    First of all, I didn't say what I did and did not have.
    Secondly, the God Tier no longer exists. There are Champs people prefer over others, but the entire "God Tier" mentality is not something I subscribe to. That's why we have over 100 Champs in the mix, and people only care about the same few.

    Huh? So, you don't care whether you get a spider-gwen | luke cage | groot | etc. vs a SL | stark | blade | etc. for your next 5*? I am so confused... God tier exists more than ever, and the champs required to beat the hardest content in the game are part of the "meta".

    Baby's-first RPG?

    Do I care? No. I make use of whatever Champs I get one way or another. Yes, some Champs have specific uses. Doesn't make a difference to me. I don't get upset about rolls because I don't invest in that mentality. That's the point I'm making. The whole idea that there is only the "Top Tier" that matters, and the rest is ****, isn't something on my radar. Am I aware of the Champs people call God Tier? Yes. Do I have Champs that I push for? Yes. Will I sit on T4CCs until they expire because I won't Rank anything but the God Tier? Never. This ain't my first RPG. I just don't follow collective value systems and harbor discontent for anything outside of that. Now, the point I was making was the God Tier used to refer to a specific set of Champs that have been altered, along with 12.0 and CR/DR. They no longer exist.

    I think when people say God tier they're referring to champs that out class all others that have the same values, such as damage or utility and every subset within.

    There is objectively a top tier of champs. Of course doesn't mean all others are useless, but there are champs who are objectively better than others.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    Chitlins wrote: »
    Drummer16 wrote: »
    I try to stay away from the whole idea of God Tier Champs. The God Tier no longer exists. I'm looking forward to seeing them, though. It's been requested for ages that a new Science Champ be released, so I'm predicting a push for at least M.O.D.O.K.

    God Tier does exist...

    Star-Lord, Archangel, Iceman, Gwenpool, Blade, Voodoo, Stark Spidey, Magik, etc.

    I mean, you only have 2 rank 5 4 stars, GP being one of them. Watch how she can take a hit at level 99, even as a 4*. Once you get on of those mentioned in high sig, as a rank 4 5*, you'll see God Tier all over again. Trust me.

    First of all, I didn't say what I did and did not have.
    Secondly, the God Tier no longer exists. There are Champs people prefer over others, but the entire "God Tier" mentality is not something I subscribe to. That's why we have over 100 Champs in the mix, and people only care about the same few.

    Huh? So, you don't care whether you get a spider-gwen | luke cage | groot | etc. vs a SL | stark | blade | etc. for your next 5*? I am so confused... God tier exists more than ever, and the champs required to beat the hardest content in the game are part of the "meta".

    Baby's-first RPG?

    Do I care? No. I make use of whatever Champs I get one way or another. Yes, some Champs have specific uses. Doesn't make a difference to me. I don't get upset about rolls because I don't invest in that mentality. That's the point I'm making. The whole idea that there is only the "Top Tier" that matters, and the rest is ****, isn't something on my radar. Am I aware of the Champs people call God Tier? Yes. Do I have Champs that I push for? Yes. Will I sit on T4CCs until they expire because I won't Rank anything but the God Tier? Never. This ain't my first RPG. I just don't follow collective value systems and harbor discontent for anything outside of that. Now, the point I was making was the God Tier used to refer to a specific set of Champs that have been altered, along with 12.0 and CR/DR. They no longer exist.

    I think when people say God tier they're referring to champs that out class all others that have the same values, such as damage or utility and every subset within.

    There is objectively a top tier of champs. Of course doesn't mean all others are useless, but there are champs who are objectively better than others.

    Better is all relative to the use, but I understood what was meant. Just making the distinction because the God Tier is no more. There are Champs that are currently popular, but that's always changing.
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    edited December 2017
    Um I know about seatins video but where was sentry and void confirmed to come this MONTH?
  • Darkrider05Darkrider05 Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    Sentry and void are not coming this month
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