Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Valiant title upcoming perks

Dear Jax & Miike,

I am wondering if there's anything you can share about further upgrades to rewards for Valiant players, most notably in the paid aspects of the game - like daily offers and Summoner Sigil, monthly/fortnightly cards etc.
I think we all agree that the daily crystal is pretty amazing. What's next?


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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Other than Miike’s recent slip up, announcements of that kind don’t happen on demand.
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    VivesectorVivesector Posts: 11

    Other than Miike’s recent slip up, announcements of that kind don’t happen on demand.

    What was the slip up?
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    ZuroZuro Posts: 2,819 ★★★★★
    Squammo said:

    Definitely hoping for BG store and Glory store update as soon as possible.

    Ngl that aint happening for a while knowing their track record in updating stores.
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    DeadpoisdeadDeadpoisdead Posts: 111
    Yeah I don't think they will add something bonker before the release of act 8.4 as majority of player will have become or will become valient at that time. That's my thoughts.
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    Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    We are basically all wearing “sweaty trihard” badges until story content opens up. Isn’t that reward enough?
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    altavistaaltavista Posts: 1,338 ★★★★
    What are the actual changes to the Free hourly Valiant crystals?

    Both the description for the Paragon and Valiant crystals indicate the same thing ("Chance at L5 HP and L2 revives"). I can't see any drop rates either to compare the two.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,591 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    What are the actual changes to the Free hourly Valiant crystals?

    Both the description for the Paragon and Valiant crystals indicate the same thing ("Chance at L5 HP and L2 revives"). I can't see any drop rates either to compare the two.

    I get two 5000 HP potions and 2 10000 potions frequently from them
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,171 ★★★★

    Other than Miike’s recent slip up, announcements of that kind don’t happen on demand.

    What was the slip up?
    He said that the last deathless champ would be Thanos, which was supposed to remain secret.
    How do you mess that up so badly
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    FolkvangrFolkvangr Posts: 90

    I’d really like to see the paragauntlet not locked for valiant players.

    What? Is the gauntlet blocked for valiant players???
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,421 ★★★★★
    Folkvangr said:

    I’d really like to see the paragauntlet not locked for valiant players.

    What? Is the gauntlet blocked for valiant players???
    He meant he would like to skip the requirement
    To open it.
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